Chapter 52

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When we got back to the house, Kenney was in the kitchen cleaning up the birthday mess. All of the cupcakes were gone. Drama was knocked out in a sugar coma with Samantha tucked snug into his chest. Kenney walked out of the kitchen quickly when he heard the front door open, and looked at me for so long that it made me squirm uncomfortably. He looked pissed at first, but then his shoulders slumped.

"You came back," he whispered, then shook his head. "You came back." He looked defeated.

"This is my home, Kenney. I had to."

He nodded sadly and then looked at Shayna.

"Hey...I'll meet y'all outside." Shayna nodded and then looked at him a second longer than usual before turning toward Drama and the baby. A smile flickered briefly across her face, but then she frowned and looked back at Kenney.

"Hey," Kenney took my hand. "You still have my number, right?"

I nodded. I thought he was mad at me. "Yeah."

"Use it sometime." He put both hands on my shoulders. "Anytime, ok? You can use it anytime, day or night for any reason. Memorize it." He looked at me, hoping that I would do it. "I'll answer."

Shayna chimed in. "Me, too. Memorize mine, too."

I remembered her cell phone and pulled it out of my pocket. "Oh, here. Thanks Shayna."

She kind of looked at it, and then back at Kenney. Then she looked back at me. "You can keep it if you want."

I kind of laughed and then nodded my head like yeah right. Imagine Collin finding that shit. Then I realized what I had done and looked back at Kenney.

He just shook his head and mumbled "Memorize my number." Then he walked out the door without even a glance in Drama and Sammie's direction.

Shayna watched him leave and then looked back at me. "Memorize mine, too, ok?" She put a hand on my shoulder and I felt like the dumbest chick in the world. But what could I do about it right then?

Sure as hell couldn't call my parents to come get me. They loved Collin. Kenney had already kicked me out, and with good reason. I would never take him through that again. I wasn't going to live with Drama and Shayna, either. I had my own place and I wasn't leaving it.

And Shayna knew it, too. So she just let it go. When she walked over to Drama, she picked the baby up and held her close, then handed her to me.

"Bye sweet baby girl," Shayna waved goodbye to her, even though she was sound asleep. Then she shook Drama gently. "Wake up, babe."

He stretched and turned over like he was about to go back to sleep and then stretched again and sat up.

When he finally opened his eyes, he looked at me standing there with the baby like what tha... and then looked over at Shayna. She shook her head quickly, silencing him, and held out her hands to help him up.

"Aight then shorty," Drama gave me a side hug and kissed the top of the baby's head at the same time. "You good?" I nodded. "Need anything?" I shook my head no. "Ok," he hugged me again and then gently squeezed Sammie's pudgy little arm. "Bye shortcake." He looked at me. "That's what I'm calling the lil homie now. Shortcake. We'll be back by next time we're in town." He said it like that was just what was happening, Collin or no Collin. "Call us if you need us sooner. Or even if you just need me, ok? Give me a call. I'll come alone if you need me to."

Drama knew as well as I did that him coming alone would be a hell of a lot better than him showing up with Kenney again.

I nodded, gave Shayna a hug, and closed the door behind them. Kenney, who had been leaned up against the side of the house that whole time – probably hoping that Collin would come home – followed them out to the driveway. I noticed earlier that they had brought two cars with them, but didn't ever ask why. I already knew why. Before we even left the house I knew. Why else would all of them be there?

"Bedtime, baby doll," I whispered to my sweet baby girl and carried her up to my room.

She would be sleeping with me tonight. 

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