Part 1

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Asher actually believed that the world was against him. He really did. His whole life he's been seen as nothing more than a mistake. Asher was 15 with short brown hair, and orange eyes. Not Amber. Orange. Eyes that viewed 15 years of misery. His father would get into moods where he would break things and hurt Asher. Frequently. Yelling how he was disgrace and a waste of good life.

The rest of the village acted as if he was cursed whenever he passed by. Not that he could blame them, whatever he touched seemed to be doomed to break or stop working or rot or anything to make the situation worse than it was before he was there. The only people who didn't cringe when Asher walked into the room was his brother and his best friend Weeko.

Asher had no magic or athletic ability of his own. Everyone was born with some sort magic within them. There were healers, that could heal a broken arm in a week's time. Others were granted with the magic of crafts. Those who weren't granted with internal power had external power. They were raised to be warriors. Then there were ones who possessed unbelievable power. Elementalists. But, the more powerful the magic, the rarer it was. So Elementalists were hard to find. They had the power to control certain aspects of nature. While one could control rivers, another might have the ability to produce bolts of lightning.

Asher only wished to have any magic at all. He would praise the ability to calm animals at this point! But, as far as anyone could tell, Asher didn't possess any magic besides his bad luck. His life was a joke that got old years ago and he was nothing more than burden. He didn't believe that things could get much worse, until now. Asher stood there, wondering how even he could manage this. He had been out in the woods, doing one of the few tasks the village trusted him with, gathering. After filling his basket, he had been about to head on back when he felt as if he was being watched. Asher slowly turned to see a brown bear stalking him. What was the rule with these things? Run away or play dead? Both options didn't look like they'd help him much. He was trespassing in this bear's territory and it was mad.

"Good girl," Asher said as he held out his hand and slowly backed away. The animal raised to its full height and stalked closer to him. As Asher backed up, he tripped and fell. Out of desperation, Asher threw the basket of herbs at it. The basket landed on the ground; suddenly a spiral of flames erupted from it . The ferocious brown beast cowered away from the fire and ran. Asher was speechless as he watched the fire spread, and before long, the forest was aflame.

Elementalists: The PyromancerWhere stories live. Discover now