Part 13

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Necros watched them laugh to him through his magic sphere. His face was twisted with rage. Those kids didn't know what they were playing with. He was about to show them how ugly he could be.

"Master." Shodo said as he entered the room. "The goblins have the kids in their sites. Would you like them to advance?"

"Immediately." Necros ordered. Shodo bowed and left the room. Necros looked back at the ball and made a smug face. He was going enjoy watching them get eaten alive.


As nightfall began to come, they decided that they should find camp. The schedule that night was Kal, Weeko, then Asher. As soon as they had the tent set up, Asher crawled inside and laid there for a few minutes. As tired as he was, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. After a few more minutes of laying there, he was finally able to fall asleep.


He found himself in another dream. He was back in the dark woods, but he wasn't running this time. He was standing there, and he could hear voices from all around him. The worst part was they were all laughing. It was high pitched, maniacal laugh. Here and there they would say things like He's mostly bones, where's the meat? and I want the girl, she looks tasty.

Asher burst into flames and yelled, "Stay away from my friends!" to the voices. This made the voices laugh louder. He's a feisty one. We'll use his flames to cook the others. 

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