Part 8

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Asher sat up quickly. He looked around him. The forest was gone, and so was Necros. He noticed that he had been sweating. It was just a dream.

"Had a nightmare?" Weeko asked from the fire. She was cooking the one rabbit left from last night.

"You don't even know." Asher said. Over breakfast he told her about the dream he had last night.

"Was it really him?" Weeko asked.

"No, he wasn't there. But I think he talked to me through the dream." Asher said, unsure. What if it really was him? He might've been able to do something.

"He's really powerful. That's why we need the other Elementalists." Weeko said. She was right, they couldn't fight him alone.

"You're right. That's why we need to find them fast. Let's go." Asher said.

For the rest of the day they rode to Jaora with little breaks. The whole way they were weary of being followed by anything Necros sent. The next day they relaxed due to the calm from the day before. They were also ecstatic about meeting the Elementalists.

"What power do you think he has?" Asher asked as they neared the village.

"Hopefully anything that'll help us fight Necros." Weeko responded.

They Jaora was in their eyesight now. It seemed bigger than Shameal, but that seemed to be the only difference. As they rode in, a man that looked to be in his late 30's walked towards them.

"Hello, I am Mato, the leader of Jaora. What brings you travelers here?" Mato asked with hospitality.

Weeko dismounted her horse and answered, "I am Weeko, and this is Asher, he's an Elementalist. We are looking for the Elementalist of this town, we are in great need for their help."

Suddenly the people of the village all hurried to the town center. They seemed to be gathering for some sort of event.

Mato smiled and said, "It looks like you came at just the right time. Why don't I introduce you to the Elementalist." He started to follow the crowd and waved his hand for them to follow him. Asher and Weeko looked at each other and shrugged. They tied up their horses and followed.  

Elementalists: The PyromancerWhere stories live. Discover now