Part 10

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After the show, Mato lead the two of them to the hut where the Elementalist stayed. He knocked on the door and the boy opened it. He seemed to have been exercising because he was drenched in sweat.

"Good afternoon Mato." He greeted.

"To you too, Kalmanu." Mato said, "These two have something very important to talk to you about they've told me." He looked at Asher and Weeko on his way out and said, "I'll let you three introduce yourselves."

After Mato left, Kalmanu stepped forwards with an outstretched hand and said, "Hello, I am Kalmanu. The Elementalist of lightning." For effect he let his hand crackle with energy. He seemed to be a show off. But the good sported kind. Asher took his hand and said, "Hello, I am Asher. Elementalist of fire." He let Kalmanu's hand go and for effect let it burst into flames. Kalmanu raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"I have not heard of you from the other villages." He said.

"My powers came recently." Asher responded, "This is Weeko, she is my best friend."

"Hello you two, it is nice to meet you. You can call me Kal, " He said in a friendly tone, "What has brought you two here today?"

Weeko stepped forward and said in a grave tone, "You are not going to like what you hear."   

Elementalists: The PyromancerWhere stories live. Discover now