Knight in Shining Armour (Reita x Reader)

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Your mother (or father) had asked you to walk to the grocery store to grab some groceries for supper that night. You've always hated walking places during the night but immediately obeyed. Ignoring the panicked feeling you get whenever you have to walk alone at night, you plugged your earphones in and switched the song to Rage. The sound of your favourite band playing throughout your ears calmed you down as the night grew only darker.
Halfway to the store, you started to get an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You felt as if someone was watching you.  Looking around suddenly feeling very anxious, you pulled out your earphones and turned your music off incase you heard something suspicious. You continued your journey to the store, being extra cautious. However, that did not stop the pair of hands from grabbing you out of nowhere and pulled you into a dark ally as you were passing by. You let out a loud pitched scream before a hand slapped over your mouth. "Be quiet," the mysterious man hissed. You felt his hands roam your body and you let out a soft whimper. "Shh, be quiet and it will all be over soon," your heart sped up and you felt tears well up in your eyes. The shadowed man turned you around and slammed you into an abandoned building wall, his hands not once leaving your shaking body. He continued to feel you up and eventually started ripping your clothes off, starting with your favourite (f/c) long-sleeved shirt. You started struggling against your attacker, trying to stop him from taking off anymore of your clothing. You heard a low growl from the man and felt your cheek stinging from where he had just slapped you. You felt more of your tears fall as he started pulling your pants down.
"Let her go!" You heard a deep voice yell. You looked towards your right at the new person, only being able to see his shadow. "And if I don't?" You looked at your attacker who seems to be distracted by the new male. You took this opportunity to make a run for it but, before you could even try to escape, you fell to your knees in pain. You were so caught up in wanting to escape, you failed to see your attacker had turned his attention back to you. Him punching you was all it took for the other male to launch himself at your attacker. You slowly got up and backed away not wanting to be caught up in the fight. In the end, the male had won the fight against your attacker and he was knocked unconscious (sorry I'm too lazy to write about the fight:3).
The male walked over to you took your hand, walking you back out onto the street. Now being able to see, due to the streetlights lighting up the not-so-busy street, you were able to thank the male who saved your life properly. You looked over to your saviour and your breath got caught in your throat at the sight of him. The man who saved your life was non other than Reita from your favourite band, The GazettE. "Are you okay?" The deep voice you loved so much ripped you out of your thoughts. You put on a genuine smile, truly thankful for man standing in front of you. You nodded, "now I am. Thank you, Reita-San." You felt your cheeks burn up as you blushed a light shade of red. He chuckled, not phased at all by you being a fan.
At the store, you called your mother (or father) to come pick you up, promising to explain what had happened to her(or him). You walked outside of the store, greeted by a blonde haired bassist who insisted on walking you the rest of the way to the store. "Will you be okay by yourself?" You nodded, still starstruck at the fact your favourite bands bassist was right in front of you. He chuckled, leaning in and kissed your cheek. You blushed another shade of red and smiled. "Thank you," he nodded and began to walk off.
For weeks after that, you no longer thought of Reita as your beloved bassist, but, instead, you thought of him as your knight in shining armour.

Hey everyone! So here is my first one shot. I hope you all liked t. I've been having a terrible writers block and for some reason I can't get rid of it.

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