Loving You is More Than Enough (Uruha x Reader)

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It was Friday night and you were setting alone in your apartment, going over bills and more bills that were sent to you in the mail. You sighed, thinking about how you were going to make enough money to pay all the bills plus buy groceries. You see, you and your boyfriend, Uruha, weren't exactly rich. Each month, as more bills flew in, you had to rethink your choices. Either buy the food and forget the hydro, or pay the hydro and go starving for the whole month. That's what it usually came down to. You let an irritated grown slip from your lips, as you flung the envelopes out of pure annoyance. It shouldn't be this way. And where the heck was Uruha? He hasn't been home in two weeks. The only time you really saw him was when he came home at 10:00 p.m., drunk out of his mind. And even then, he'd only mutter a "good night," before walking off to bed. You felt tears pricking at your eyes as you thought about the man you loved. Don't you love me anymore, Uruha?"

That night, around 10:00, as usual, Uruha came home. You head into the living room wearing your (f.c) nightgown, expecting to greet a very drunk Uruha. That is why you were shocked when you came face-to-face with a sober man. You were about to ask him where he's been, but you shut your mouth when you saw him crying. "I'm so sorry, (y.n)," the man broke out crying in front of you. "I'm so sorry I can't give you what you deserve. I'm so sorry I've been drinking nonstop - I just don't know what to do!" The man sobbed. He sat down in front of the doorway, leaning his back against the wood, as he sobbed into his hands. Your heart broke. Uruha, were you really drinking the pain away? You felt tears well up in your (e.c) eyes. You kneeled down in front of the man, wrapping your arms around his neck in a comforting manner. "Uruha, you dummy," you started. You tangled your hands into his hair as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. "I don't need the whole world, as long as I have you. Loving you is more than enough."

Hey guys! I am so sorry I haven't been updating lately. I'm stuck half the time. I am so sorry this is a short chapter but I wanted to do one of Uruha and you. Anyways hope you like it. Thanks for reading :)

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