Wedding day (Ruki x Reader)

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3:00 p.m.

Tick. Tick. Tick. The sound of the clock's ticking made you even more nervous as you got ready for your big day. It was your wedding day and you wanted everything to be perfect. You sat in your room as your (family member or best friend) did your (h.l) (h.c) hair.

4:00 p.m.

Tick. Tick. Tick. You shut your eyes tightly as somehow the ticking got louder. Your (family member or best friend) had just finished your hair and is now moving on to your make up.  You sat quietly on your bed, with so many thoughts running through your head. Good thoughts, not bad ones.

5:00 p.m.

Tick. Tick. Tick. The ticking is now making your ears ring. Within each passing moment, you felt your heart thump loudly inside of your chest. You felt as if the organ was going to rip through the flesh at any given moment. You walked over to your closet and pulled out the (f.c) wedding dress, still wrapped in its original packaging. You smiled.

6:00 p.m.

The ticking finally stopped and you stood behind the big, wooden doors. You heard the music start to play and watched as the flower girl and ring barrier enter the church. It was soon your turn. You locked your arms with your (father or mother's) and entered through the doors.

As you walked the isle, your eyes focused on the man standing up front in the tuxedo.  You heard the click of cameras going off and saw the flashes as family and friends took lifelong memories. You smiled. You finally reached the alter and stood in front of the love of your life.

Ruki took ahold of your hands and mouthed I love you. Your beautiful smile widened at this and began focusing on the preacher who started to speak.

~time skip: I don't know much about weddings~

"You make now kiss the bride," the preacher said, closing the ceremony. You smiled as you and Ruki leaned in. You finally felt his lips on yours. The familiar butterflies exploded in the out of your stomach as the said man kissed you.

After that day, you both lived happily ever after.


I don't know what to think of this one shot. I wanted to update so I did. But it isn't my best haha.

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