Best Damm Thing I Ever Had (Ruki x Reader)

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You were alone in your apartment on a Friday night. Your boyfriend, Ruki, was currently busy with his band preparing for the standing tour which was about to happen in a couple of months. He was hardly ever home anymore and you started to really miss him. His routine now was wake up, go to work, come back, eat dinner, and go to sleep. You two rarely spoke, he was always in a rush. However, this morning was different. The short vocalist woke up to the sound of you throwing up in the bathroom. He hurried out of bed and rushed to your side, taking your hair into his right hand and using his left hand to finger soothing circles into your back. "Are you okay?" Worry laced through out his deep voice. You nodded weakly and stood up using Ruki's arm for support. You flushed the toilet and brushed your teeth, wincing because of the sour aftertaste in your mouth. He led you out of the connected bathroom and into your bedroom, forcing you to lay down. He placed the back of his hand on your forehead and furrowed his brows in concern. "You're burning up, I'm staying home today." You watched as he pulled out his iPhone and tapped the screen quickly. "You don't have to stay home for me," your voice sounded hoarse from throwing up, but you didn't care. He looked up at you from his phone and shook his head, "I don't have to, I want to." He went back to tapping on the screen and you sighed. You closed your eyes and let darkness consume you.
Later that day, you were now sitting on the leather couch in your living room, wrapped up in a (f.c), fluffy blanket. Your handsome boyfriend was being quite the gentlemen as he watched over you. He placed a bowl of warm soup in front of you and sat beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist. "Eat this, it will help you with your throat and sinuses," he kisses your head. You nodded and picked the bowl up.
After you finished the soup, Ruki ordered you to go lay down. You weren't in the mood for laying down, but obeyed anyway. You walked in your room and laid down in your queen sized bed. You wrapped yourself in the (s.f.c) blanket. Ruki walked in a few minutes later to check up on you, he frowned seeing you shivering underneath the heavy blankets. He walked over to the bed and crawled in beside you, wrapping his arms around your shivering body. He pulled your body closer to his, making sure there wasn't any visible space in between you two. He kissed the back of your head causing you to smile. With that, you fell asleep in his arms.
A couple hours later you woke up feeling better than before. Ruki, who was still beside you and had you in his arms, felt your forehead with the back of his hand. There was no sign left of your fever and he sighed with relief. "It's gone." You smiled and kissed his cheek. Blushing, you stroked his cheek with your index finger, and whisper, "you are the best damn thing I ever had."
Okay, I'm not exactly proud of this one shot. It's not really worth the reading(thanks to my pain in the ass writers block) but please let me know what you all think of it.
Also, one of my readers messaged me asking me if I take requests and the answer is yes, I do. All you have to do is message me the member you would like and I'll try to make a decent one-shot for you haha :)
Enjoy! Xo

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