My Best Friend is an Angel (Uruha x reader)

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Italics- memories
Non italics- present day
Note: I haven't wrote a one shot like this before and I hope you like it. Warning, it's sad.


You looked up from your wooden desk, as the loud noise came to an end. With a yawn, you shoved your notebooks into your (f.c) bag and left the classroom.

"(y.n)!" You heard, coming from behind you. You spun around, letting your (h.l) (h.c) hair flow around you, as you watched your best friend run up to you.

"What's wrong?" You furrowed your brows in confusion as she continued on, "you weren't paying attention during class, that isn't like you." You gave her a small smile and sighed. "I just don't feel so good, I'm going to go home and sleep for a bit. Don't worry about it, okay?" She nodded, thankfully falling for your excuse, and, with a good bye, she walked away. You let a sigh of relief escape from your slightly parted lips, and began your short journey home.

However, instead of walking toward your house, you walked the opposite way toward the grave yard. You see, today wasn't just an ordinary day to you. No, three years ago on this day you lost the most important person in your life.

You walked in the school grounds and the first thing you noticed was Uruha standing outside the main entrance, waving his hands in the air, trying to get your attention. "(Y.n)! Over here!" You giggled at the said mans foolishness, as you made your way over towards him. With his arms wide open, you let yourself walk into his familiar warmth. He held you close as the bell, signalling the start of the school day, went off. He grabbed your hand and ran toward your first class, practically dragging you behind him.
Yep, typical Uruha.

You let tears fall down your face as you relived the painful memories of you and your best friend. You couldn't help but blame yourself for what had happened. After all, it was you who started the fight that ended it all.
You turned the corner, almost at the graveyard where your best friend was laid to rest, as another painful memory hit you.

"What does she have that I don't?! I'm your best friend! I've been there for you everyday for the last fifteen years, while you just started dating her!" I yelled, with my (e.c) eyes filled up with fresh tears. Today was my birthday and, like everyday for the past two weeks, I'm spending the day arguing with Uruha. Usually the arguments don't last an hour. However, Uruha missing my birthday for some girl he hasn't been dating that long, was the last straw for me. It was the day after my birthday and within each passing second, my heart ached. Uruha forgot to say Happy Birthday to me and he still hasn't. She changed him. "I'm sorry (Y.n)! It passed my mind!" He yelled at me. "You're sorry?! You haven't spoken to me, only argued with me, since two weeks ago, and on the day I thought we'd finally do something with out arguing,you forgot my birthday! All because of your new girlfriend!" I watched as he grit his teeth before me, he balled his hands into tight fists. Something I've watched him do many times to others, but never to me. "Don't talk about her!" I sighed, "get out of my house." Without another word, the tall man walked out of my house, leaving me behind. However, before I had the chance to turn away, I saw something that would change my life.

A drunk driver came speeding down the road hitting Uruha. I watched in shock, as Uruha's body flew onto the pavement. My heart stopped at that moment and the world around me seem to follow my heart and stop as well. I ran out onto the road, pulling my cell phone out of my pocket and dialling 911. I kneeled in front of Uruha and lifted his lifeless body into my arms, not caring whether I got blood over my favourite jacket. He was gone. I wanted to scream, but no sound came out. My best friend is gone. Dead. The sound of the ambulance was all that I heard. It seemed like forever before I felt someone pull me away from my best friend. I watched as the ambulance rushed Uruha away. This is my fault.

By the time I reached the graveyards, I was sobbing. I killed him. I killed my best friend. I walked around the yard, making sure I didn't step on anyone's grave. I finally found the tomb stone I was looking for and kneeled in front of it. "Oh Uruha, I'm so sorry." I buried my head into my hands and let my sobs take over my now shaking body.

After a few minutes of sobbing, I noticed the wind pick up. I looked up and standing in front of me was Uruha. I blinked twice, not wanting this to be a dream. However, after blinking the second time and pinching the skin on my arm, he was still there. "Uruha?" My voice was hardly a whisper, but it seemed as if he had heard because he smiled that beautiful smile I missed so much. "It isn't your fault. I love you (y.n). I forgive you." And with that, he vanished through thin air leaving you alone once again. Through your tears, you found your smiling up towards the sky. "My Best Friend is an Angel."


Man, this one-shot broke my heart. I can't think of Uruha leaving us or I'll cry. Anyways, here it is. I hope you all like it!

Also, last Wednesday my dream finally came true and I saw The GazettE in concert. I also went to their meet and greet. The boys are so sweet and so adorable ~ I'm thinking of writing a report like book on my experience seeing them.

Also, rereading this oneshot I realized I put your POV into first and third person. I'm sorry. I'm too lazy to change it again.

I hope you enjoyed this book! That's all for now. Mwuah~

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