Good To You (Kai x Reader)

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This one shot was requested by rosemaxut so it's dedicated to her! I hope you like it.

Kai is currently in the living room of your one bedroom apartment, eating a sandwich filled with mayonnaise. You walked in, scrunching your nose up in disgust as you saw your future husband scarf down the sandwich. "Ew," was all you said before walking over to the drummer, who had just finished shoving the last piece of bread into his mouth, and hugging him around the neck. You and Kai have been dating for quite some time and it was just last month he had asked your hand in marriage. However, although you love him with your while being, your hatred for his love of mayonnaise only grew whenever you saw him spread the white gooey stuff on plain bread. You felt him move out of his chair, snapping you out of your constant running thoughts. You followed him into the hallway and watched as he put his jacket on. "I'll be home around dinner time," he smiled showing off his adorable dimples. He leaned in and kissed you softly. As much as you hated the taste and smell of mayonnaise on his breath, you somehow always found yourself melting at the feel of his lips against yours. You nodded and, after he  left, continued on with your day.
For the rest of the day, you cleaned and watched movies. It was now around 5:00 p.m. which meant supper was  about to be ready. You jumped a slight bit, hearing the door open. You ran to greet your man and, before you could jump on him like you always do, came to a stop in front of him. He didn't look so well. His once tanned skin was now sickly pale and the light always shown in his brown orbs was gone. You walked over to him and grabbed his arm, dragging him to the room you both shared. You sat him down on the bed and took his shirt off. Usually you drool whenever you get to see the mans toned body filled with yummy abs. But not this time. You were more concerned of your mans well-being. You lay him down and gave him some medicine before asking, "when did you starry feeling this way?" Kai frowned, furrowing his brows. He knew how much you hated mayonnaise, so he chuckled nervously. "Since an hour ago." You put your hands on your hip and rolled your eyes. "Don't lie to me." The drummer sighed and gave a crooked smile, "I started feeling sick to my stomach after eating that mayonnaise sandwich this morning, but I only recently got a headache." "I knew it," you rolled your eyes and walked out of the room. You grabbed the mayonnaise jar out of the fridge and examined the label. You read the expiration date, which was long over due, and sighs. You knew exactly what would make him feel better. You grabbed your keys and left the apartment after making sure Kai was going to stay in bed.
You came home with a large jar of mayonnaise in your arms. You set it down on the counter top and took out a sharpie to draw a face on the clear side of the label. You walked into your bed room with the jar in your arms. "Kai, I have a present that will make you feel better." The drummers eyes lit up once he saw his second love in your arms. You handed him the jar and m watched as his face lit up with joy. "Really?" You thought. You sighed and laid down beside the male, which was a huge mistake, because as soon as your back hit the mattress, a certain pair of arms flew around your waste and the drummers head was buried in the crook of your neck. You felt him kiss your soft (s/c) skin before hearing him whisper, "thank you, (y/n), I'm going to name her after you!" Your eyes widen and you felt you face flush with embarrassment. "Uhm, thank you? I think," you chuckled. "Why are you always so good to me, (y/n)?" You laughed and leaned over, kissing your handsome (and adorable) fiancé, softly. "I'll always be good to you. "

So, yeah, rosemaxut , I really hope you like it. You asked for a funny one-shot but I suck at being funny so this is my lame attempt. I hope you like it! (I also know half of this story doesn't make sense, but I'm tired to care ahah)

Also, I am open to requests just message me telling me which member you would like for me to write about!

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