Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

I never usually attended the practice for any of the new girls. I always just waited for them to appear in a show and choose the one I wanted for that night.

But this was different. Ashley was gonna be there, and since Stacy always asks me to attend I couldn't deny her this time.

Anytime I get to see Ashley dance is a chance for me to get to know her better.

I'm currently sitting off to the side with Stacy. There was some music playing in the background as the girls stretched.

Since Ashley is like a teacher's assistant she was the first girl in the studio. 

When Stacy and I walked in we were pleasantly surprised to not only see Ashley, but to see her dancing.

We quietly walked around and took a seat as she finished up her dance. She briefly acknowledge us before turning down the music and drinking some water.

Looking at my watch it is 10:03, so if any other girls are running late they better hurry up and get here.

Sasha walks in with all of our other dancers that we make train throughout the week.

The dancers we make train are usually the ones that don't make the show after their first practice week. It's not like we don't think they are good enough, it's just that they need more practice than the other dancers do.

As all of the dancers are settling in trying to asses the new girls the door burst open and in walk Stephanie in all her glory.

Sasha slowly rolls her eyes and gives out an exaggerated sigh.

"It's 10:05 Stephanie, try to be here earlier."

Stephanie says nothing as she throws her bag against the wall and walks to the center of the floor.

"Alright, I don't know if some of you know, but we had auditions about a week or two back and the ten girls you don't know are the one that we figured would fit with our company. Please give them a warm welcome." Sasha starts.

Everyone else claps as the new girls give small waves to our current dancers.

"Now I'm going to go over the rules one more time. Be on time. What I mean by be on time is that you should be here by ten. If you are walking in as I am about to close the door you are considered late. Stephanie I'll let you off with a warning today, but don't do it again."

"Follow instructions. Do as your told and I won't have to embarrass you in front of everyone in this room."

"Now this isn't a rule, but whatever. One of the new girls is such an excetional dancer that we have decided to not put her in the shows just yet. Instead she will be acting as a teacher's assistant. You wil listen to her critques as if they are coming to me. If she comes and tells me that you are not following her instructions you know what will happen. Ashley can you come over here." 

Ashley slowly makes her way towards the front with her hair slightly covering her bright red face.

"This is Ashley. She may not look like much, but she is phenomenal once you see her moves. Thank you Ashley." Ashley pushes her hair out of her face and gives everyone a big smile.

"Lastly, each week you will learn new dances and perform one of them at the end of the week. Along with the dances you will also get in groups and will perform an original piece to a song that I choose. After all of the dances are over we will have a little battle and we will choose that weeks winner." Sasha states.

"So, what's the song for this week?" One of our male dancers, Brian, asks.

A creepy smile makes its way onto Sasha's face.

"Beyonce's Formation. You can use any part of the song and it has to be longer than thirty seconds."

Everyone in the room whoops and hollers in excitement. I understand why the song is pretty great, but I'm pretty sure they are happy for a completely different reason.

"Alright calm down, calm down." Sasha yells over everyone.

"Let's get started for today. I decided that we will learn the dance that I created for formation today. That way you guys can get an idea of what you might want to do. So everyone spread out and watch me. If you need help ask either Ashley or myself. Now Ashley doesn't know the dance so she will be learning it as well, but I'm pretty sure she won't mind helping someone if they need it."

Sasha turns around and gives Ashley a small smile.

"Okay guys, so you're gonna start by.."

I slowly drown out Sasha as I watch Ashley follow Sasha's moves.

For the next two hours Sasha teaches everyone the dance and splits them into two groups so that they have more room.

I wasn't able to properly see Ashley since she was off to the side, but when I could see her she looked amazing. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she was wearing a baseball cap. The baseball cap was a cool effect while she was dancing.

"Alright everyone that is it for today. Tomorrow we will be dancing to Trini Dem Girls by Nicki Minaj." Sasha yells as everyone gathers their stuff.

I quietly sit in my chair and watch as everyone interacts with one another as they head out the door in one big group.

Ashley and her group of friends are some of the last few to leave.

As the others grab their things Ashley takes off the baseball cap and shakes her hair out. It's like the world moves in slow motion as she throws her hair back out of her face.

Shaking my head, I look away from Ashley and her group of friends and instead look at Stephanie who is now occupying Stacy's empty seat.

"Can I help you?" I ask as the door closes leaving us in total silence.

"I'm pretty sure you can." She says seductively.

Rolling my eyes, I stand up and grab my things off of the table.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm pretty good." I tell her.

"Suit yourself. I know you're gonna come running back to me sooner or later."

I scoff.

"Well, you'll be waiting a long time." I comment as I walk away.

Stephanie rolls her eyes as I turn and walk out of the room.


I'm so sorry I didn't update earlier this week. My grandma passed away Monday night and we were getting ready for the funeral all week.

I know this chapter is short, but the next chapter will be up on Tuesday. I promise.

The dance that Sasha taught the girls is tagged up top.

Thanks for reading this shitty chapter!

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