Chapter 20

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Ashley's POV 

Spending all day with Ashton yesterday was amazing. It was amazing because it was so different.

Normally when we spend time together, it always leads to us being intimate with one another. Last night wasn't like that.

Besides, with all of the sexual activities that we have individually taken part in, I think we can hold of for a little while.

Either way, it was nice to just sit on the couch and have a normal conversation. Sure it started off with the 'how has work been' question, but it turned into something more as the night continued.

We just sat there and laughed at old memories. It was nice to think back on how we became what we are today. The dates, the phone calls, the cute little love notes, it all meant something to the both of us.

Reminiscing on the old times made it a bit easier for us to truly talk about the current state of our relationship.

Listening to him explain about how crazy this whole situation is was eye opening. 

For him, it made sense to try and blame work on the reason we were starting to drift apart, but he didn't use that as an excuse.

Instead he talked about how he stopped trying to win me over a long time ago. That he saw no reason to buy me flowers or take me out to nice restaurants. Now that this whole cheating thing has happened it made him open his eyes and finally see.

Sure, staying at home and having a movie marathon is great and all, but sometimes you have to change things up and do something that you don't normally do.

If I'm being completely honest, it made me fall in love with him all over again.

I was able to be reminded how genuine of a person that he is and that he does truly love me. He's the type of person that would let me go if he believed that I was unhappy. He'd never hold anyone back and that's what I love about him.

Last night also made me realize that if I do anything with Harry again, it could seriously hurt our relationship.

It took me forever to try and get to bed last night. It was like my brain wouldn't shut off. Having to decide whether or not to keep sleeping with Harry was a dilemma when it honestly shouldn't have been.

I know that I want to be with Ashton and sleeping with Harry will jeopardize that, but I can't seem to find a reasonable reason to stop doing what I'm doing.

Harry is a great guy, but he's not the type of guy I picture settling down with. Harry seems more like the eternal bachelor type.

Word spreads fast, especially when majority of the people you work with are women.

Harry is a huge player. He's had sex with just about every girl that has had the pleasure of working for him. Then again, that's also the reason why many girls have gotten fired.

I refuse to be one of those girls. No man is worth losing my job over. 

The door to the studio is pulled open and I quickly swirl around.

"You're here early." Sasha says.

I shrug and stand up.

"What was so important that you had to call me over on a day off?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Where'd you go after the show the other night?" She questions me.

Right to the point, I guess.

"Had some personal issues to take care of, couldn't exactly stick around for a celebratory drink." I respond.

She nods her head and takes two steps forward.

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