Chapter 14

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Ashley's POV

Last night, right before I went to bed, I got a text message from Sasha asking me to come in early today.

I'm pretty sure the only reason she wants me to come in is so she can explain what I am suppose to be doing.

To be honest, I'm scared to death.

Leading practice isn't that bad, why? Because whatever you teach them won't be displayed to anyone except the people in the room at that time.

Now, I'm being asked to teach people and have them showcase my suppose 'abilities'.

I don't know how Sasha does this all of the time.

I glance down at the watch on my wrist, checking the time.

For once, Sasha seems to be running late. Later than usual.

If she doesn't hurry up people are going to start coming into the studio to get ready for prac- I mean rehearsal.

The door swings open and in walks Sasha.

"I would apologize for being late, but lets be honest, I'm always late." She comments as she enters the room. "Anyways, that's not why we're here."

"Why are we here? Besides for rehearsal." I ask.

"Well, for the past couple of day, aka Saturday and Sunday, Stacey and I were trying to figure out exactly what we wanted you to do. Since you have to choreograph so many dances, we thought it would be best if we put some limits on your dances." She explains.

"First, you have to hold auditions for some of your routines. Second, you have to at least use all of the dancers in the class in two huge group performances. I don't care how you do it, just make it happen. Third, we aren't gonna make you do a solo. If you want to willingly perform a solo that is completely up to you. As long as you have around eight to ten routines you should be fine. Lastly, you will have to be in each and every routine you come up with. This wasn't left up to Stacey and I. Mr. Styles has requested, and I use requested lightly, that you perform in every single one of your routines. You may be in some of mine, but you will have to go through the tryout process with everyone else."

I nod my head in understanding.

"Any questions?" She asks.

"Does it matter what songs or the genre of dance?"

She shakes her head.

"We are giving you complete creative freedom. Your routines just have to follow those guidelines and a few others that Harry is going to bring in soon. We thought it would be better if we wrote out all of the conditions for you. That way we won't get you confused."

"So, there are more restrictions that I have to follow?" I ask.

"Unfortunately so, but they are pretty easy. The list will explain everything." Sasha confirms.

"Oh and here's another thing. Since this is your first time ever choreographing something like this, Stacey and I managed to convince Mr. Styles to let you do just parts of songs, not the whole thing. We figured it would be a little bit easier on you." 

"Thanks." I whisper. "That means a lot."

"Look, I know this kind of thing is scary, but this is the type of stuff that many dancers dream of. Sure you're not choreographing a routine for Beyonce, but this is a start. You have to start off small in order to make it big." Sasha tells me.

"Is that what you're doing?" I ask.

She laughs and shakes her head.

"No." She says as she heads towards the door. "I had my shot years ago."

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