Chapter 8

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Ashley's POV

As I walked down the hallway towards my door, I dug in my purse for my keys.

Quickly clutching my keys, I open the door and let out a loud sigh.

Practice was way too tiring today. I knew Sasha was going to work us harder than she usually would, but not letting us have a break was ridiculous.

One girl practically passed out from exhaustion, and when Sasha let us get a small sip of water she called everyone weak. Now I don't know how she thinks we are weak. We need water in order to survive. We are sweating all day and if we don't drink something then we get dehydrated. Dehydration is not a good thing!

So I guess that means I'm weak.

I drop my purse on a nearby table as I make my way over the couch.

As I drop onto the couch a pain filled groan passes through my lips.

Hearing footsteps, I lift my head and begin to speak.

"I'm way too sore. I don't think I'm gonna make it through another practice session tomorrow." I call out groaning.

A masculine chuckle makes its way through the hall into the livingroom.

"I've seen you go through worse." Ashton says as he makes his way towards me.

"I know, but I've never had someone push us as hard as Sasha does. She is like a drill sergeant. If you screw up once that's the end of it for everyone. She didn't let us have a water break. Like who does that!?!" I question.

"Maybe she really cares about you guys and want you all to succeed in the club." I shrug as I sit up on the couch.

"I hope so, cause I'm not putting in all of this work for no reason. She literally worked me to death today and I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be the exact same." I say as I wrap my arms around my legs.

"Not to mention she put a new dance assignment on us. So now the girls and I have to come up with an awesome ass dance to formation by Friday. Why does she do this? Doesn't she know we have lives?" I groan.

Ashton chuckles as he hands me a glass of water.

"I'm pretty sure she knows that you all have lives, but don't forget something. She is the only choreographer they have. So most of her time is spent at that club with a bunch of dancers." Ashton explains.

I nod my head, agreeing with his statement.

"Even though she did exhaust me to death, it was worth it. I couldn't have asked for a better job. I love dancing and now that I can do it everyday. It means a lot to me. I just hope you don't mind me not being at home as much." I mention to Ashton.

He shakes his head and smiles at me.

"If this is what you really want to do, I'm not gonna stop you. I'll be there every step of the way to support you and your dream." He tells me.

A goofy smile makes its way onto my face as I look at him.

God he's handsome.

His shoulder length dirty blonde hair really compliments his lean facial structure. His beautiful green eyes always have some sort of sparkle in them. Now let's not get started on his body. He is absolute perfection in so many ways.

My eyes do a quick sweep of his body. I take a deep breath as I release my legs and slowly begin to make my way toward him.

"You know, I may be sore, but I'm pretty sure there is one part of my body that isn't sore. And I wouldn't mind exercising that part right now." I whisper seductively as I straddle his lap.

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