Chapter 19

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I know I haven't been updating as much as I should, but work with me. Now that I'm gonna be on break for the next month, I'm going to try to update as much as possible. I don't do much during the week and I mainly work late afternoons, so updating shouldn't be that difficult. Now, I'm not gonna promise that I'm gonna update a lot, but I am promising to update this story more than I do. I realized that I have had this story up for over a year and I only have 19 chapters. I am so pathetic, but I'm gonna work on it. I promise.

Ashley's POV

What the fuck was I thinking? Oh that's right, I wasn't!

How stupid can one person possibly be? Ashton and I said we were gonna start over. Well not start over, but we were gonna put this whole thing in the past.

He said he isn't going to cheat on me again and I promised to never cheat on him again. Of course, I never expected for my bosses extremely hot son to come onto me again. Yet, he did and now I have cheated on Ashton once again.

Does being fingered count as cheating?

I feel like most people are gonna say no, but I'm pretty sure it is. The only person that is suppose to touch me is the person that I am in an intimate relationship with. 

Wait, I'm now in an intimate relationship with Harry. So not intimate, but romantic.

I'm in a romantic relationship with Ashton, I have been for a while. I know that we have had our ups and downs, but we have always managed to pull through.

So, why is this time different?

Yeah, he cheated on me. But I technically already got my revenge, didn't I?

By sleeping with Harry, I knew it would hurt Ashton. I wanted to hurt him the same way that he had hurt me.

I know Ashton cheated on me multiple times within the last month, but that does not mean I have to sleep with Harry multiple times. That's just wrong.

That would make me a liar, and I'm not a liar.

I told Ashton I would not cheat on him again and I'm gonna stick to my word. Or am I?

Ugh, this is horrible.

Ashton is such a great guy and I don't know what I would do if I lost him, but Harry is something completely different.

Harry is this super hot guy that really knows how to show a girl a good time. He's got this edge about him that is so attractive. It's kind of bad boyish in a way.

Oh my God. I sound like a high school girl trying to figure out if she should go out with the sweetest boy on Earth to walk the school halls or the most trouble causing boy.

What is wrong with me?

You know what, there is nothing wrong with me. I am a perfectly sane person. I am a grown woman that knows right from wrong.

Continuing to be with Harry after Ashton and I agreed to stop sleeping around is wrong. With that being said tomorrow after practice I need to talk to Harry and call this whole thing off.

Taking a deep breath, I turn round the corner to my apartments and head upstairs.

As I'm about to walk upstairs, I see Ruby's car sitting in my parking spot and my phone vibrates in my hand.

Anger and annoyance course through my veins causing my vision to get a bit blurry. Knowing I need to calm down I take a deep breath.

I check my phone first to see a message from Sasha.

Meet me at the studio tomorrow at noon.

I roll my eyes and quickly reply before returning to the problem at home.

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