Chapter One: Harry's POV

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So this chapter might be a little confusing since it will skip time frames a lot. It will start at Harry being five and pick up from there. Sorry if you get confused. I will try to make it as understandable as possible.

5 Years Old:

I do not understand why my teacher had to call my mommy. I did nothing wrong. All I was trying to do was rearrange my pencils on my desk. It isn't my fault. I kept getting annoyed whenever they did not look right.

"Ms. Bennett made me sit in the corner for no reason!" I yell then angrily pout.

"Now Harold, there is no reason for you to be yelling." Ms. Bennett strictly tells me.

I stick my tongue out at her. Ha take that you big fat meany.

"Harry!" Mommy yells. "Apologize."

I shake my head.

"Apologize. Now." Mommy says in her mean voice.

My eyes widen and I whisper an apology.

"Mrs. Styles, can I speak to you in my office?" Mommy slowly nods her head.

Before the door closes I jump off of my seat and peek through the door.

"Mrs. Styles, I don't know if you know, but the counselor and I believe Harry may have OCD." She says.

"OCD. How is that even possible?"

"As I was teaching today he didn't pay attention to a word I said. If he wasn't rearranging the pencils on his desk by their color and size, he was fixing something else inside of his desk. I honestly think you should have him checked for it."

"Just because he doesn't pay attention doesn't mean he has some disorder. For all we know he can find you or your activities boring."

Ms. Bennett nods her head.

"I still think it would be best if you had him tested for it." Mommy sighs.

"Fine. If it will keep you people out of my hair, then I will do it. Now if you don't mind, Harry and I will be going."

Mommy stands up and flattens her shirt. I quickly run back to my chair at my desk and wait for mommy to come back.

Finally mommy and Ms. Bennett come out of her office.

"Thank you for stopping by Mrs. Styles." Ms. Bennett restated.

"No problem. Harry lets go." She barks out.

Jumping out of my chair, I grab my Spider-man backpack and run after her. As we reach the car I feel a tug on my hair.

"Ow, ow, ow. Mommy stop." I beg.

"Listen here you little shit I had a bad day now I have to spend extra money to take you to some doctor for a possible disorder you might have. Do you know what that means?" She asks me.

I slightly shake my head, trying not to pull on the hair she still has in her hand.

"That means I will have to spend more money to get you medication and other useless shit."

She releases my hair and pushes me into the car. Slamming the door shut behind me she quickly gets into the car.

"Why couldn't you be like your sister? God, you are such a fuck up."

I silently cry as I rub my head.

"Stop your crying. Crying is for girls, and you aren't a girl." She emphasized.

Quickly wiping my seat, I put on my seat belt and look out the window.

The next day

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