Chapter 12.

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Jordan’s P.O.V


After explain myself to the two of them and Stiles’ constant staring, no one seemed to bother continuing the conversation as silence filled the air. Scott had the look of confusion whist Stiles had on an expression I couldn’t describe. Fumbling my thumbs, I felt uncomfortable under their hard stares but that didn’t stop them from staring even more. I silently hoped that they didn’t think I was listening in on their conversation, although I was and it was wrong of me, I didn’t want them thinking wrong of me. Taking a quick glance down at my shoes, my eyes landed on my white laces to see that the aglet had come unstuck. Glaring at the inanimate object, my mind had come up with many colorful words due to its wrong timing.

“Are you okay, Jor?” Scott asked slowly, referring to the fall I had taking in front of them. Looking back at him, being careful not to come into eye contact with Stiles, I nodded. Scott’s face distorted a little bit, giving me a look of knowing for some odd reason. Although my face was calm, on the inside I was freaking out. Does he know? He can’t possibly know. I was quiet for crying out loud, they couldn’t have heard me. Although, it made sense if Scott had heard me due to his werewolf senses but that still didn’t make sense to me. Scott hadn’t stopped talking and was continuing to laugh with Stiles, not once had he stopped the both of them from carrying on the conversation because he ‘heard’ something.

“What are you guys doing?” I asked trying to stir their attention away from me and onto the task they were both doing before my little incident. With three long strides, I sat in a spot that was an expectable distance away from Stiles. I knew about the girl already, I just don’t see why I’m feeling this way. Feeling unwanted.

Taking a book off the top pile by Scott, I ran my fingers across the canvas made cover collecting dust at my fingertips. Thinking that this simple task would keep my occupied, I was wrong. The only thing that distracted me from the matter at hand, were the two boys sitting in front of me burning holes into my head.

Opening the book, I had fallen upon a page about mistletoe and how effective they are. My eyes scanned over the words that described the use of its existence in the natural world but in the paranormal, used against one another. “So, are any of you going to answer my question or not?” I asked, my eyes not leaving the page. Though I wasn’t reading, I used it as an excuse not to retrieve my eyes from the page and onto the two of them.

“Oh,” Stiles said giving a small pause before continuing on with the explanation. “We were just looking through these books.” From the corner off my eyes, I could see Stiles lifting up his arm and scratching the back of his neck in a nervous manner.

Taking my eyes off the book, they landed on Scott’s. “Did you find anything?” I asked, receiving a headshake and a sigh from him. “Well, last night I found the book.  I’ll go get it.” I said softly before getting up off the floor and heading towards the front door of Derek’s house.

Stiles’ jeep was still parked in the same place it had been before, not like anyone would take it considering we were in the middle of the woods and no one would bother to come here. I slowly, step by step, walked up to the forest green jeep taking my time so I wouldn’t have to walk back into the tension filled air that was surrounding the room Scott, Stiles and I were in.

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