Trials of Osiris- Welcoming Team Reliant

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"If you think you're ready, then you're ready." - Brother Vance, Disciple of Osiris

The Cult of Osiris wants something. Whatever it is, it might be obtained through violence. The Trials are a competition built to identify Guardians who never lose.

The Warlock Osiris vanished into exile years ago. Unlike solitary Toland, Osiris left a network of acolytes and admirers who carry on his work.

The Cult invites only select Guardians to their tournament, and only in teams of three. The Cult wants effortless teamwork, inexorable momentum, and something else: consistency, perhaps, or luck, or fate. Any fireteam that loses three matches is ejected from the tournament. Fireteams that win again and again earn spectacular rewards. ---Trials Of Osiris Grimoire


"Welcome Guardian, it is a pleasure to have a new member fighting under my name." The Queen states with a formal bow, "It has been many years since we have had a new recruit, I believe that was you Angel wasn't it?"

"Yes my queen it was, but we are not here to talk about me we are here to recruit and initiate Phantom here." Angel replies with her eyes darting around the room.

The reef was a huge open area that when compared to the tower was downright intimate. There were several open-air vendors selling who knows what, but looking behind me I saw two Fallen holding spears guarding behind me. In a single fluid motion I grab my rifle from my back and take aim. The Queen puts her hand blocking me from readying the gun.

"This one fears the Fallen, interesting. Angel care to explain?" The Queen asks as I decide it would be safer to holster my gun before anything went bad.

"This is one of Toland's little experiments, as you are able to see this is a warlock from the Tower. Toland decided it would be best to drop him off in the Cosmodrome and to have him just train and try to survive until his hope broke and fear set in. I was able to find him soon after he landed but from what he has told me on the ship is that the Fallen were trying to stop him from getting a ship when he first revived." Angel responds

"How interesting, well we must get you prepared if you plan to be part of the Reef and eventually my royal guard." The Queen gestures to the guardian on her left, a tall obviously female hunter "This is Impossible she will be leading you while you prepare for life here. Is that fine by you Impossible?"

"It would be an honor to show this new comer the ways of the Reef, I accept the offer." Impossible takes off her helmet revealing the face of a human female "By the way Phantom if you and I are going to be working together we should probably not be calling each other by those tags. I'm Amber a rank 40 huntress, and you?"

"Uhm, about that, I don't really have a name but from what Angel says I am a rank 15 warlock," I struggle to find the right words but something about her made it hard to speak. "All I was able to gather was that my name had started with an A"

"Well I see that you two will be getting along so if you need anything assume Petra, Variks, or Brother Vance will be able to assist. Impossible, get this one out of these Tower garments." The Queen walks off along with Angel and the other Fallen.

"Well I guess you and I have a bit of time to get to know each other, so lets go see the bounty master and see if we can do a bit of field work and get a feel for your name. Oh and by the way we have a sort of bank system that works with weapons and armor so you can hold some more than what you have room for in your backpack, lets set you up so we can get rid of those Tower weapons." Amber begins to strut over to a small kiosk and taps on the screen. "Here I have some spare weapons that you can borrow for now, and considering that the only warlock gear we have in bulk storage is from Vance over there looks like you'll need to borrow some of my hunter gear. Aside from the obvious differences between yours and my body structures they should fit just fine. Sorry that we cant get you some stuff that will help you, Vance is a firm believer in that if you want something you need to fight for it. Wait a minute! I can't believe this; Trials of Osiris starts on Friday! You and I can enter and get you some gear that will benefit you."

"I love how much credit you give me for only having about a weeks worth of time since I have been revived, and I'm flattered you want me to use your old armor but I think I will stick to this and see what I can salvage from our patrol missions, however I will take you up on your offer for a few weapons."

"Your funny, so lets head over to the bounty tracker and see what we can pick up. There is Exalted Hive that's an easy one, Right in the Juicebox you could say its difficult but it all depends on your layout."

Then Amber looks behind us in awe, from her expression I can tell this is someone who is important but as far as who they are and the proper etiquette for meeting them I have no clue. Then I notice a nametag affixed to her chest that reads Petra Vanj.

"Amber I see you have a new partner, funny to think that you have come this far since we first met." She says "I am Petra, what I do here is keep those Fallen from ripping apart what we know and love, mainly the House of Wolves."

"The House of Wolves used to be allied with the Reef but that was all thrown to change when we let our guard down and thought that we could be allies without needing to constantly monitor them. They saw our mercy and betrayed us. Now I send out Guardians to track them down and wipe that House from existence. Newcomer what is your name?"

"This Guardian's files show no clear first name all we were given is the letter A and his tag. When I met him Angel introduced me to him as Phantom and his identifications says PhantomOfNyx."

"Wait what kind of name is that? I don't think that is what I used to be called."

"It is a tag name, something each person picks long before they were revived, trust me I know how bad it is to have a bad tag, Mine is ImpossibleGirll so lets just say there are worse names for you to end up with."

"Hey Amber want to give this week another go at trials we just need to find another person." This one was a bigger girl from the looks of it is a titan. "Hey newbie I'm MadamHush but you can call me Maddie." She had an accent, sounded slightly Scottish.

"I'm PhantomOfNyx but I guess you can call me August. So I assume you two know each other?" I ask

"Well Maddie here was the one who trained me when I first came here, kinda funny how now I out rank her. We still are great friends though we spend each week searching for a third person to go to the Lighthouse on Mercury you interested?"

"August please say you will."

"You know what sure sounds like a blast. Getting some gear and weaponry to call my own and get to work with you guys. Is there a team name that we have to register?"

"How about team Reliant!" Amber shouts

"Sounds great to me, do you guys need anything before we head to the Tower to register?" Maddie asks

Then I realize we will be going right back to the place I left just to register for this thing. Back to Toland and the others who knows what they will say when they see me in Reef gear. I begin to shiver in place trying to avoid attention and it works for all of a few seconds. Then Amber catches a glance at me.

"August what's going on? Just a minute ago you were as hyped about this as we were," Maddie asks

"The Tower is where I'm from. I had come from there before Angel found me and brought me here, and after knowing what they wanted from me in my training it just makes me a bit nervous to see what their reaction will be to me coming back."

"Well now you have us and we will be your fireteam until you get an handle on what you want to do and then when we are all said and done we can go do some competitive stuff together, Amber and love competitive stuff so Trials is right up our ally. I don't want word of this getting to the others here but if we need to we can scrimmage against the three old bats in the Tower."

I laugh with relief that no matter what goes down I have Team Reliant here by my side. Who knows what could happen in this competitive scenario but from what Amber has said just the gear for completing bounties in Trials or even just from winning is unlike any other.

"Wait Angel told me to get a ghost to be able to constantly revive you it has to have a name and you need to befriend them." I pull out my Ghost "How's Omecron sound to you?"

"Honestly it sounds a lot better than my real name so lets do it!" He responds

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