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We all tell them; insignificant or life-altering.

They hang in the wind like leaves on tree branches.

We disguise them with half-truths; "I don't know", "maybe" and "I'm okay."

Once the lie gets out, it is scrutinised, noticed or set aside.

We're all surrounded by lies.

Withholding things is lying, but we all do it to protect ourselves or a friend or family member, to conform to others, or to feel secure.

We lie about how we look, dabbing a years worth of make-up on our faces and disguising our 'supposedly' ugly faces.

Everyone lies... about everybody.

How do we stop?


It will go on forever. 

(Well, until everyone is left crying for it to stop and dying for it to end).

It's life.

The First Fifty Pages Of Me by NailinthewallWhere stories live. Discover now