Rhetorical Questions

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I ask myself so many things, so many times, but I don't know, or need, the answers for my questions. 

I am so unsure but, if I took the time  to look around I'd notice that, so is everyone else. How is it possible to be self-assured but unsure of everyone else at the same time? I look like the happiest person but I'm actually sad a lot of the time, if you actually know me. How can you be perceived as one thing and actually be the opposite? Good things honestly have happened to me but I'm stuck seeing only the dark matter. How can you have so many good things happen to you and have the few bad things completely overshadow it?

I must not know anything because you can't be two things at once. You're either one or the other. It's drastic. Maybe I'm making shit up, or bipolar, or schizophrenic. I haven't a clue. All I know is that this stuff is way too good to be true. I'm in some weird sedated state and numbness is always around the corner but at the corner I stand and wait.

Why were rhetorical questions even made?

We question and second-guess everything we see repeatedly, so we naturally stop answering stupid repetitive questions and leave them hanging, like cloths on a hummunguous washing line. We are too damn tired and bored to actually repeat that monotonous shit. We need to change it up and not have to bore ourselves with saying the same things in different ways.

See! I just reiterated myself three times and that got annoying fast. Rhetorical questions are a bored man's way of relaying that he has learnt something already and he wants to poke his eye out rather than have to learn it again.  

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