I'm sorry

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I'm self-centred.

I'm ignorant.

I fake smiles.

I've ever hurt you.

I just can't be like everyone else.

I can't be real.

I can't be honest.

I can be cocky.

If I look like a bitch.

My body screams fuck-you.

I'm awkward.

I can't be normal.

I like music more than the people around me.

I hate attention.

I'm not here right now.

I get angry all the time.

I want to slam doors and punch walls.

I won't let anyone be there for me.

Nothings permanent.

I don't like being alone.

I hate you.

I don't know what to say.

I'm not sorry for who I am.

I'm not going to change.

The First Fifty Pages Of Me by NailinthewallWhere stories live. Discover now