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I can't stand hearing it.

It is the only thing standing still.

It's noise but it's not.

It echoes me and doesn't breathe.

It awakens at lonely wakes.

It is the darkness to sound.

I fear it and it feeds on it.

I can hear but silences deafens me.

I just need noise and it ain't something I want to avoid. 

It quietly breaks free and breaks me.

I don't speak but I hear myself breathe and it soothes me.

I need noise, it's a drug and makes me sane.

I've been around so much crazy but noise always saves me.

Noise is a friend and it gives me so much.

I dont want to freeze quietly, I want to scream.

I need the screams without the silence it breeds.

The First Fifty Pages Of Me by NailinthewallWhere stories live. Discover now