Chapter 17

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~~~~~~Stampys POV~~~~~~

I awoke in a hospital with tubes running out of me. "What happened?" I asked myself. I started to get flashbacks, Sqaishey being kidnapped, her ex, the bullet. I then remember how I had gotten shot, but is Sqaishey ok?! All I remember is barging in to soon get shot, I don't even know if she is ok! I called for a nurse and a nice women walked in with a clip board in hand. "You're Joseph Garrett, correct?" She asks. "Yes" I reply. "Ok, do u remember what happened and all of that?" She asks nervously. "Yes, I remember getting shot in the chest" I inform her. "Yes, u had to get surgery and u r quite lucky. There was a young girl with brown hair very worried for u. Should I inform her ur ok?" She asks. Sqaishey! She's alive, and well. "Yes, please." I say. The nurse walks out of the room and I wait patiently. I am so happy that Sqaishey is alive, I don't know what I would have done without her. "Stampy!" She squeals. My whole body fills with excitement and delight. "Sqaishey!" I squeal. She runs over and hugs me carefully. "I love u" she whispers in my ear. I peck her on the lips, "I love u too" i inform her, i really do love that duck. The doctor then walked in informing Sqaishey that I needed rest, I didn't feel tired but I guess the doctor knows best. Sqaishey mouthed "I love u" as she walked out. I'm so happy, I will never let her go. Never.

~~~~~~Sqiasheys POV~~~~~~

We all decided that we wanted to wait for Stampy before leaving, the doctor said that he should be well enough to leave in a good 3 hours. I was so excited that Stampy was ok, I don't know how I would live with myself knowing Stampy had died. I still don't really know how to live with myself. I felt like everyone was secretly really mad at me and they just weren't showing me. We were all sitting my in the waiting room and it was quiet, except for the quiet talking of other people. I stood up and decided to be brave, "ar-are u guys mad at me...?" I ask stuttering. "Oh gosh no!" Amy exclaimed. "Y would we be mad at u?!" Squid said. Netty walked over and hugged me. "Its ok Sqaishey, I promise" she whispers. This all calms me down reassuring me that it will be all alright. "We should play a game!" Rosie said. "Like what?" Nicole asks. Nicole never talked much, but that's ok. "How about....hide and seek!" Tom says excitedly. "Let's do it!" Rosie says. "Not it!" Squid screams. We all scream not it except for poor Amy who was dazing off. "Wait no! I-I wasn't ready!" Amy says. "Sorry..." I say teasingly sticking my tongue out. "Ok fine!" Amy says. "1-2-3" the rest gets blurred out to the sound of us all running. I follow netty to this big vending machine. "Behind here!" She says. I follow her behind the vending machines, it was covered in cobwebs and smelled not ideal but I knew Amy wouldn't be able to find us. I let out a chuckle to the fact that we're grown adults playing hide and seek, I think netty notices too as she chuckled back. "READY OR NOT HERE I COME!" I hear Amy scream. Me and netty tensed up. "Found u!" I heard Amy yell along with the laughs of squid. 2 down, 5 to go. I noticed tom sitting under a coffee table fingering shhh at me. "Got u!" I heard Amy yell. "Ughhh" I hear Rosie exclaim. I then heard Nicole get caught. Uh oh, it's just me, netty, and tom. Me and netty have to win this! I hear footsteps from Amy walking closer to the 3 of us. I see her walk near to where tom is and then "got u!" She screams. "NOOO" tom yells. "So hmmm I think only netty and Sqaishey r left. I saw netty mouth "don't tell" over to Tom, he shook his head yes. Amy then checked other hiding spots. "Hmm r get behind the vending machine..." She says. Uh oh she's walking over. "Uh no no I wouldn't check there I highly doubt they're there." I hear tom stutter out. Amy peeks her head around the corner and yells "found u 2!" "Awwww" me and netty moan. Soon everyone was in the hallway and we were all laughing so much we had to sit down. I'm so lucky to be in a group like this, I love all of them! I thought, only the magic animal club would play hide and seek in the dimmest if places. Hehe.


Thank u for reading this chapter! I wanted to do a cute kitten chapter after all of the drama. Leave suggestions, comments, praises, whatever u what down below! Bye my lovelies! 😘

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