Chapter 25

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~~~~~~Sqaisheys POV~~~~~~

Before I knew it, it was our anniversary. June 28th 2016. 2 years ago I started dating Stampy and it probably the best decision of my life. He makes me so endlessly happy I can't even explain it. I look at the clock and it's about 6 am. I decide I'm going to make him breakfast, he bought stuff to make pancakes so im guessing he was planning on doing this but I'm gonna beat him to it. I make enough pancakes for the both of us and draw a bunch of little hearts on them with the syrup. I make two mugs of tea, eggs, and 2 pieces of toast. I put it all on a large plate along with silver wear and head to Stampys room. "Morning Kittycake, happy anniversaryyyy" I say sitting down next to him. He sits up and let's out a yawn. "Huh? I was gonna do that for you! Ugh you beat me to it" he says laughing pretending to be angry.  I just give out a cheeky laugh and dig into the breakfast. Breakfast food is the best kind of food, no one can convince me otherwise. After devouring our breakfast we shower, get dressed, and do everything else to get ready for our day. After were awake and are ready I ask, "so what are we doing today"  "I have it all figured out, don't you worry Duckie." "Can I have the run down?" I ask. "We're going to go see a movie, then go to dinner, then I have a little surprise." He says with a cheeky smile. "Sounds like fun! When is the movie?" I ask. "It's at 4. So after the two hour movie we'll go to dinner!" He said enthusiastically. "Sounds great, we should get all the recordings we need to first so we don't have to worry about it later" I say. "Good point" he agrees. We go seperate ways to record videos and then get ready for the movie. "So, what movie is it Stamps?" I ask. "It's a surprise! Plus it's not really a movie, more like a theater performance type of thing. "Ooo sounds cool!" I say with a big grin. "I think you'll really enjoy it" he says. After some loitering we get in the car and he drives us to a near by theater. I see a sign at the front saying The Lion King and already full with excitement. "Oh my gosh are we going to watch The Lion King as a play?!" I nearly scream. "We are" he says in between laughs. "Oh my goodness Stamps!!" I say even more excited than last time. He just laughs at my excitement. We walk in and get a really good seat right in the middle, so we can see everything. Shortly into the play I lay my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me. I was loving the play so so much it was amazing! But I was loving him more. After the about 2 hour play we all clapped and headed out. Once we got back home he hurriedly went to his room and came back out with lots of stuff. "Here, wear this. Only if you want to, I want you to be happy with what you're wearing but I think you'll like this" he says, gesturing for me to grab a bunch of stuff. "Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful" I say looking down at everything there. There was a long, thin black dress surrounded with white gems, black slippers, diamond necklace, and a small white over jacket. "This is amazing, I'll go get changed!" I say running to my room. I put on everything there and style my now short hair making it wavy and clipping back part to give texture. I add a little make up that will compliment the dress, not too much though, and walk out. I see Stampy standing there in a black suit, holding out a white rose. He never dresses like this but my jaw dropped. He looked amazing I couldn't even speak. "Stampy you look incredible!" I say giggling. He still looks like he's in his own world staring at me. "I could say the same for you! You look so beautiful Sqaishey" he says pulling me to him. He hands me the white rose and says "shall we?" "We shall" I say grabbing his arm acting very classy. We both laugh at how polite were trying to act and just go back to our normal selves. He drives down to this really fancy Italian restaurant in downtown. It was big, grand, lit up, and smelled crazy good. We walked in and Stampy said our reservation to the waiter, he directed us to our seats and again we tried to act as polite and normal as possible. As soon as he walked away we started laughing and went back to our normal self. I ordered a Parmesan Alfredo and he ordered a Cheesy Tortillini. The food was so good we barely spoke. It was like Italian heaven on a plate. I could tell he was thinking the same thing. After we both stuffed ourselves probably nearly to death we got the check and headed back to the car. "That was amazing Stamps" I say clicking on my seatbelt. "It was, but now is the secret. You need to close your eyes for this car trip or you'll know. Don't open them unless I tell you to" he directs. "Ooo surprise, ok, my eyes are closed!" I say sitting back giggling. Since my eyes were closed I couldn't tell where we were going, it was fairly far away though. Once we arrived he told me to keep my eyes closed and he will direct me. He got out of the car and helped me out and started walking me somewhere. "Keep your eyes closeddd" he said with a silly giggle. We stop, "open your eyes" he says. I open my eyes and try to figure out where we are. Wait, were in the park, under the roofing, where we went on our first date, and had our first kiss. It was decorated with fairy lights and flowers everywhere. It went so well with the dark night sky only lighting up with the trickles of stars. It looked so beautiful and like it obviously took a lot of time. I was so confused though, why are we here? "This is beautiful Stamps, but may I ask, why are we here" I ask. He slowly walked over to me and got on one knee. My stomach dropped, my world froze, my mind exploded. Was this really happening. Was this really happening?! He pulls out a small black box to reveal a sparkling diamond ring. "Bethany Jayne Bates" he says with a smile. I immediately get teary eyed already looking like I'm about to cry, which I probably am at any moment. "I love you with all my heart, and I want to live the rest of my life with you" he says still smiling. I laugh with tears running down in disbelief of what was happening. This makes him giggle as well. I cup my hands over my mouth awaiting the next line. "Will you marry me" he asks. Tears are flowing and I pull him into a hug. "Yes, yes! A million times yes!" I nearly scream, not caring that I was getting his suit soaked with tears. "Yay!" He says childishly looking at me. We both started laughing and I pulled him into a kiss. It was the best kiss I've ever had. Stampy and I are...engaged. Oh. My. Gosh.
Ooo have I killed anyone?? I killed myself a bit 😂 please let me know if you enjoyed this chapter or have any further suggestions. Bye my lovelies! xx

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