Chapter 20.

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~~~~~~Stampys POV~~~~~~

I feel like I want to take me and sqaisheys relationship to the next level. I really love her and I think she feels the same. I'm thinking of asking if she wants to get a new house together, just for us. After I pondered these thoughts I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make some tea. "Hey Stamps" squid says, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Morning squid. Is Sqaishey awake yet?" I asked. "No mate, havnt seen her yet this morning" he answered sipping his brew. "I was thinking of asking her about getting a new house, for just me and her." I tell squid. I'm a little scared on how he will react, I don't want to hurt his feelings in anyway. "That's awesome mate, you should do it" he said with a smile. "So you're totally ok with that?" I asked. "Definitely, it would also mean I could ask Nicole to move in here with me. I have been wanting to ask her to move in but I thought it would be too crowded." He explained. "Well it seems like this should work out all good" I say. I walk into sqaisheys room to see if she was awake. She was still sound asleep, she looked so peaceful. I couldn't help but stare for a minute, her sloppy hair and morning glow made her look so beautiful. I walked over to her and lightly shook her shoulder. "Morningggg" I say quietly. "Hm-wa-what" she stutters sitting up. "Oh, good morning" she managed to get out. She spreads her arms in the air and stretched letting out a big yawn. I quickly kissed her before walking out and letting her get ready for the day. I was going to ask her, I'm scared of what she will say. What if she doesn't feel confident in this relationship. What if she's not ready. I guess only time will tell.

~~~~~~Sqaisheys POV~~~~~~

After Stampy walked out of my room I started to get ready for the day. Once I was ready I walked out of my room to see Stampy fiddling his thumbs nervously. "Hi!" I say sitting down next to him on the couch. "Hi! So I wanted to ask you something pretty important" he said, very worried. "What is it?" I say letting out a little giggle. "I was wondering if you wanted to move out of this house" he said. "You want me to leave?" I say, turning my tone into a sad worried one. Did he want me out of this house, his life. "No no, I would go with you. I'm asking if you want to get a new house, together" he assures me. I instantly start to smile again and hug him tightly. "Of course I will" I say remaining in the hug. I pull away and kiss him, squid soon walks in saying "break it up love birds this is the common area" we break away and smile at each other. I'm so excited, I'm going to be starting a new life with the person I love. Today is a great day.
It's nearly 4 am when I'm writing this so i don't know how good it is...anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye my lovelies!!

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