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Adam came into work with a different car. When I asked him why, he said didn't say...at least not right away. He finally pulled me aside after I wrapped up a new episode of Minecraft game-play. "Adam?" I whispered, "What in the name of all that is good is up with you today?" "Jin," he replied, "On my way to work this morning, a man started smashing my car with a giant hammer. He climbed inside my car. I was afraid to tell anyone, but..." Adam stopped, and started to cry a little. This was the first time I'd ever seen him like this.  He continued speaking. "He gagged me with a handkerchief. then another guy started to shoot at me. I thought I was going to die. It was not a fun experience. Then the cops showed up. The man who was shooting fled. The other guy, being tazed at the time, threatened he would kill me and Alesa if he ever got out."  I stood speechless, in a bit of a panic. By the look on Adam's face, I knew he was NOT playing around.  I tried to find the words to say, but I couldn't. Why? Who would do this? "Adam...." was all I could say. Finally I mustered up a sentence. "Did they hurt you?" I asked. Adam was quick to respond. "The guy in the car cut me." He pulled down his shirt collar just a little to reveal a fresh cut on his chest, still gushing blood. "Adam!" I screamed in a full-fledged panic this time. Ross, Barney, and Max came down the hall. When the saw Adam and the blood which stained his shirt, they turned to me. "What happened to him?!" Ross screamed. Adam suddenly collapsed in my  arms. "Someone call an ambulance!" I screamed "Now!" Max ran to the nearest phone. Everyone in the offices was crowded around me at this point. Jess, a young woman with long black hair, came rushing to my side. "Lay him gently on the floor." She told me. " I may be able to patch the wound. Jin, give me your jacket!" she screamed. I took off my purple jacket without hesitation. She tied the jacket tightly around Adam's chest, where the blood was. The ambulance arrived, and Adam was lifted onto a bed and gently rolled down the stairs and out the door. However, the  paramedics did not work at  a slow pace. They had him in the ambulance within a few minutes. I climbed in with him. About halfway there, he finally gained back a little consciousness. He opened his mouth to speak, but it was rather weak. "Jin?" He said weakly. I leaned in close to him. "Yes Adam?" I replied in a gentle whisper, "What is it buddy?" "Jin, if I die today," Adam spoke weakly to me, "I want you to know you are my very favorite man I've ever come to know. I think...just maybe..." We both finished the sentence together, his hand in mine. "I love you." I stood back, a little flustered by the words that Adam had just said. I still held his hand. I let out a small grin, and silently laughed nervously under my breath. Those words were all I needed to hear that day. This....was love.

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