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I finally felt a sense of hope and peace. A small sense, but nevertheless, I was somewhat ok. The old memories were still with me, and I would never in my life forget those special moments. Adam had been special, a true life changer. Now I could be the same way. He'd taught me so much. Adam had been a true fighter, one of the best people I'd ever known. Sure, he was gone, but I knew his memory would live on in me and everyone that knew him. I decided to take a small break from my work to grieve. This would take some time to cope with, I knew. Especially since I was making my own changes as well. Alesa called me the next morning around 3 am. "Jin! GET OVER HERE NOW!" she screamed. I knew what was happening.  I rushed downstairs into mom's car, since mine was too totaled to really be a car anymore. I rushed over to Alesa's place, and helped her into the car. If Adam wasn't there, I was the person she had always turned too. I rushed her up to the hospital, telling her to stay calm. When we got there, I put her arms around my shoulders. My arm was around her waist. I carried her through the front door of a different hospital than what I'd been at just last night.  "Alesa,"  I said "Just sit down. I'll talk with the receptionist. Try to control your breathing." I ran to the front desk. "My friend needs a room." I said. "Now!"  A few doctors came and rushed Alesa through the elevator and up to a room. I stayed close behind.  I would not leave Alesa now after all she had gone through recently. This was a very big moment. Soon, she'd have her little boy in her arms, and Adam would be so proud, I knew, of both of them.  I asked Alesa first if she wanted me in the room. She said she most definitely did. She said I was the best person in her life next to Adam and her parents. I entered the room, smiling big. This was big. Mason was about to enter the world. Finally, after 4 hours,  Alesa held little Mason in her arms.  It was one of the most beautiful things I'd seen in a while. "Jin," Alesa said, "would you like to hold him?" I walked over to Alesa's bed and took Mason from her arms. I sat down on this small bench in the corner of the room. I rocked Alesa's little son in my arms. This was a beautiful thing.  I didn't want to  leave Alesa alone, so I called my parents and left a message so they wouldn't worry. The bench folded out into a small bed, and I slept there for the night.  I was happy...for the first time in what seemed like forever. I fell asleep with a content smile on my face, and hope yet again. At last....there was hope. 

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