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Adam's health was now rapidly declining.  I doubted it would be long now. I drove up to visit him. "Hey It's you again!" Adam exclaimed. "Anthony!" Not even close. I sat down in the armchair by Adam's bed. "Hey, Adam. Do you remember me?" Adam pointed at me. "You're Timothy." He said. I was surprised he even remembered Tim's name. "No, Adam." I said. "That's someone else. I'm Jin, remember?" Adam opened his mouth to speak. "I want to sit up." He said. I helped him up out of his bed and into the armchair I'd been sitting in. As I led him there, he fainted in my arm due to the anemia, which is exactly what I was afraid of. No one else was in the room. I panicked. "NURSE LARSON! DR .GUEVARA! COME RIGHT NOW!" I looked down at Adam, who was unconscious. Dr. Guevara ran in. He was a short man with ginger hair. He looked a lot like our editor, Max. "What the hell happened?!" he screamed. He got Adam back into the bed, but my friend was still out cold. He didn't wake up, even after 5 hours. I stayed by him the whole time. He finally opened his eyes. "Where the hell am I?" He asked. He was ok for now. "Why in the name of all that is good do I feel so light-headed?" Adam asked. "And who the hell are you?" He was looking at me. I sighed. At least he was alive. Suddenly, a rock came crashing through the window. "What the hell?!" I screamed, and ducked. I then heard my car alarm. "Oh crap." I said, and ran to the elevator as fast as I could. When I reached the door, a man broke through the glass and started to shoot. I ran back towards Adam's room in a panic.  "Oh crap. Oh crap." I screamed,  panicking . The man followed me up the stairs. "You're dead. He said. I reached Adam's room. The man, which I assumed was the Ryan who left the note, started shooting around the room. "What the hell is happening?!" Adam screamed, just  as frightened as I was. He was wrestles in his bed, and wouldn't stop kicking and screaming. The shooter aimed for me as I tried to dodge, but he soon switched his aim to Adam. "We meet again." the man said with a slight smirk, and shot my more than best friend, my everything, square in the head. Adam fell off the bed, blood spewing everywhere. The cops arrived and arrested Ryan. I kneeled down beside the one person who had mattered most in my life. Adam. He was dead. I couldn't believe it. This was so unfair. "Look what you did!" I screamed at the filthy monstrous criminal. Was he even worthy of being called human? he was a monster. A cruel, vile beast.  "You worthless little..." I stood over Adam, crying. "He was all I had! You killed him!" The cops took Ryan to the local prison. I looked out the window. sure enough, my car was completely busted. Some people came in and took Adam's body, meanwhile staring at me. Finally, the cops came and questioned me a little. I could barely answer through tears. This was just too much. Way too much.

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