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I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. I decided it was time that I return to my work. The sun shone through the windows. It was a nice day. I saw that photo on my desk again. I picked it up about halfway through the video, and began talking about Adam to my Audience. His death still hurt like hell, and I was still a bit isolated. It wasn't fun. I just didn't know what else to do.  I went downstairs and finally mustered some words for my parents to hear. "Adam's funeral is tomorrow. I'm planning on going, but I no longer have a vehicle to get me there. Would you guys go with me?" They said of course, that they would want to be there for me. I quietly thanked them. I had to walk down to the grocery store anyway. Being 23 wasn't exactly an easy task. I walked into the store, and looked around for some stuff to stock the cupboards. I bumped into Tim. "Oh hey." I said. "Jin!" He yelled. "I've missed you! How have you been?!" I answered a little sadly. "Not very well, I'll admit." He settled down. "Really? what's wrong?" I told him about how depressed I'd been over all of this. "It all just happened too fast. Adam died, Mason was born, and I left the offices. It's just been too much for me. I didn't talk to anyone for nearly a week. I'm just too broken." Tim seemed to understand more than I thought he would. "Jin," He said,  "Adam is gone. We can't bring him back. You can't get this upset over it. It's not healthy." I told him thanks and went up to the cashier. She rang up all my stuff. I paid and went home. As I was walking, it began to rain. "Oh, come on!" I screamed into the open nothingness of the world.  As if I wasn't already upset enough.  I realized then that carrying the weight of the past was not the best thing I could do for myself. It was tearing me, my friends, and my family apart.  I had to stay strong for the sake of others. I hung my head low. "Adam, I will never forget you, but I must move on." I cried the rest of the way home. By the time I reached the front door, I was soaked. "Jin, sweetie." Mom said "You could've taken my car. Here, let me get you a towel." She brought a towel out of the small closet next to our bathroom, and tossed it to me. I dried myself off. "Thank you mom." I said. She gave me a little smile. "Now just go upstairs. I'll bring some dry clothes. "Mom," I said. "You don't have to do that." I smiled and brushed the hair out of my eyes. "No, Jin." she said kindly, "I'm your mother. I'm going to do these thing for you. Now head on up, I'll be there in a minute."

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