Hers: The move.

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Oh god why do I have to wake up everyday and talk to complete psychos about their problems?

I finally get out of my bed to make myself some coffee to get rid of the sleep. This is something which is a part of my daily morning routine. It also includes checking my mobile for any emails or messages. My clients can get really messy at times!

No messages, except for about a hundred from my ex boyfriend.

Oh there's an email. From Bryce Howard? Who's that?

Miss Hansen,
I am a New York business man with an eye for art, or an art lover rather. I invest in young men and women who have a potential in art. Presently, an artist who I've invested a lot on is going through problems. I would like you to come to New York immediately for his treatment. Think before you say no, the money is big. My contact number is attached below, call me as soon as you get this email for further details.
Bryce Howard.

From Nebraska to New York? In one day? For one guy? Do I look crazy to him? But he said the money was big...

I finally decide to call the guy.

"Good morning, how may I help you?"a female voice answers. "Mrs Howard?"I ask. "Oh no, I'm Mr Howard's secretary, Lindsey."she giggles as she says. Damn. This man is a money guy.

"I'm Pepper Hansen. I got Mr Howard's email this morning so I was wondering if I could talk to him?"I ask. "Sure, just a moment."Lindsey says and then puts me on hold.

A few moments later, a male voice says,"Ah! Miss Hansen! Just the person I wanted to speak to. How have you been?"he asks.

"Perfectly fine."I say.

"I'm glad. So let's get to the point. I need you to treat an artist who's going through depression. You must have heard of Jason Salt?"he asks. "Nope. Art is not my thing."I reply.

"Pity."he says quietly and then continues,"Anyway, so as I was saying, Mr Salt is going through tough times. Normally I would stop investing in someone who's unable to continue with their work due to some mental or emotional instability, but you see, Jason is too precious. You, being one of the finest psychologists of your age, have been chosen."

"Oh, I'm flattered."I mutter. "But Mr Howard.."

"As I said earlier, the money is big. " he says.

I look around myself. A one bedroom apartment, with a small corner which I treat as a kitchen. One coffee table. One couch. A computer table and an old chair. With my parents dying before I even graduated, this is all I could afford with my job as a psychologist. I really need the money, I guess.

" Also, my research tells me you went to college with an Amanda Jefferson? I presume you two were very close?" he asked.

"Uhh... yeah?" I said, more than a little creeped out.

"Well she's dead. Murdered. And this 'art guy' is her lover who watched her die," came the reply.

"Oh my fu.. When do I have to leave for New York?"I ask.

"As we speak, my secretary is booking the next flight from Nebraska for you. I suggest you start packing. I will personally come to receive you at the airport. Have a good flight."he says and hangs up. Just like that!

Soon, I get another email.

Booking Details
Departure: Nebraska 1350 hrs
Arrival: New York 1600 hrs
Have a nice flight :)

I have exactly two hours to pack and get ready if I want to get to the airport on time.

I guess I just broke my record of having a bath in ten minutes, because I got out of the bath in five.

I quickly put on my black trousers with a white button up shirt and black formal heels.

Enough clothing? Check. Toiletry and cosmetics? Check. Enough money? Check. Work equipment? Check.

Ready? I don't know.


I'm sitting inside the small Starbucks at the airport, sipping on my cappuccino, waiting for the boarding announcement of my flight.

Soon, I board and we take off. I'm feeling mixed emotions right now. I don't know if I'm excited or nervous. I've been to New York on several occasions, of course, but only as a tourist. Now I'm going to work there.

How's it gonna be? I don't know if I'll like the...well the NewYorkness of New York.

Ugh. I'm thinking too much. There's a two hour long flight ahead of me. I might as well sleep it off.


I wake up to the sound of the flight attendant speaking on her microphone, "We'll be landing in New York shortly, the weather outside is pleasant with a possibility of rainfall. Hope you enjoyed your time with us. Thank-you."

We land after a few minutes, I take my handbag and start walking towards the exit. After taking my luggage, only one suitcase, I call Mr Howard.

"Bryce Howard."he answers. "Um hello Mr Howard. This is Pepper Hansen."I say.

"Hello, dear! Have you landed?"he asks. Duh? "Uh-huh."I reply.

"Great! We're waiting for you outside."he says.

I start walking out and at the exit, I'm greeted by a tall man in a black suit. "Miss Hansen?"he asks. I nod. "Follow me, Mr Howard is waiting for you."he says.

The guy walks me to a black Hummer stretch. Wow. He opens the door for me and I climb in.

"Miss Pepper!"exclaims Mr Howard. He's a little younger than I'd thought. I thought he would be an old man but he must be in his forties. He has black hair which are turning grey and a hint of wrinkles on his face. He is wearing a very expensive looking suit.

"Hello, Mr Howard."I say. "Call me Bryce."he says as the car starts moving. He seems like a nice man.

"Where are we going?"I ask. "To meet your new client."he says.

"You see, Miss Hansen.."he starts but I cut him off by saying,"Pepper." And we both end up laughing.

"Okay, Pepper, Jason is a very talented artist. Many of his paintings are hanging on the walls of French and Italian museums. But lately, he has stopped. Just stopped."he says. "That good, eh? And is Amanda the reason?"I ask.

"Yes, one of the best. And yes we believe her to be the sole reason,"he says quietly.

Love. The worst cases of depression are caused by love.

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