His: New Beginnings

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"So.. I didn't know you wore formals."Pepper says as we get into the car.

"I'm not wearing formals. I'm just wearing a shirt with jeans. Although all you wear are formals."I say.

Seriously, I've never seen her wearing anything other than a buttoned shirt.

"I'm not a typical-short-dress kinda girl, you know?"she says.

"Totally see that," I say.

 The rest of the car ride goes rather uneventfully except for Pepper obsessing over Paris.

"Jason! Pepper! What a pleasure!"Bryce says when he sees us. He has, as usual, booked the VIP table for us.

"Hello Bryce!"Pepper says as we take a seat in front of him.

"Really, Pepper, I thought Jason would never agree."Bryce says. Why is everyone being so shocked about whatever I'm doing lately? Am I really changing?

"That makes two of us."Pepper says, laughing.

"So Jason, are you liking your new 'shrink'?"Bryce asks me sarcastically.

"Quite the opposite."I say plainly.

Bryce just laughs as he assumes that I am kidding but when I glance at Pepper, she looks rather hurt.

"Actually she is pretty good. Much different than the others, though she can be quite austere at times."I say. I don't even know why but I really think I need to make up for what I did in the afternoon. The truth is, she really is trying hard to help me but a part of me doesn't want to let her in, while the other part wants to tell her all about myself.

Pepper actually gives me a smile and Bryce says,"Looks like you two are getting along quite well. On the Jason-scale, of course. Though, what about you, Pepper? Is troubling you too much?"he asks.

"He's fine."

That's all? I actually expected her to give him a whole complain list about me but regarding how sweetly I'd described her, this was too little.

"That's good. Anyway, what would you like to have, Pepper? Wine?"Bryce asks and Pepper nods. "What about you, Salt?"he continues.

"Whiskey would be alright."I answer.

"Uh-huh?"Pepper asks me, with a death stare.

"I guess even I'll have wine."I say.


Rest of the dinner passes by precisely in a very boring manner.


"You didn't talk much during the dinner, why?"Pepper says once we reach the apartment.

"I was bored."

"Really? I had an amazing time. The steaks were DELICIOUS! And Bryce is so sweet, he didn't let me pay even after I snatched the bill from him. Did you see the decor? I'm sure it is one of the finest eating joints in New..."she says but I stop her before she can go further,"Woah. I get it! You can stop now."

She just giggles and says,"Anyways, it meant a lot for you to join me tonight. I just wanted to thank you."she says.

"Nevermind."I say.

"Do you wanna talk?"she asks. Wait. How did she guess I desperately needed to get my misery out??? I don't want to particularly talk to her but well she's all I have right now.

"I guess I could spare a moment."I say, trying to show that I don't really care.

"We didn't really get to talk much about the dreams."she says.

"Oh yeah, that."

"Umm, I think I have a suggestion. You should try getting all of your bad thoughts out before going to sleep."she says.

"How?"I ask.

"People generally do it by talking to someone but I understand that you aren't really that open with me right now. Maybe you could try writing all of it somewhere and then delete the whole thing? That should help."

"Will try."I answer.

"In addition to that, we should talk about positive stuff before going to bed."she says.


"So where are you from?"she asks.

"New York. I've lived whole of my life here, though my parents shifted to Maine ten years back and I stayed there for two years. It wasn't for me."I say.

It just struck me, I don't know ANYTHING about her except that she's a therapist and was in college with Amanda.

"What about you? Where is your family?"I ask.

"My parents died when I was very young."she answers.


"So, was Amanda your first girlfriend?"she asks.

"First serious girlfriend. Others were just summer flings. And you? Do you have a boyfriend back in Nebraska?"I ask.

"Ha-ha, no. Ex boyfriend, yes. One who still messages me everyday."she says, laughing.

"Why did you two part ways?"

"I don't know really, I'm a kind of a person who can only truly love one person and with others, I just can't pretend. Guess he wasn't the one I was looking for."she says.


I realize that I'd been staring at her when she calls out my name and waves her hands in front of my face.

"Sorry... Got lost in thought I guess."I say.

"No problem, anyways I have to make a call and its getting late now. So goodnight."she says.

I wanted to talk more...

"Goodnight."I reply.

"It was nice talking to you tonight. We should do this more often."she says, takes her phone and goes into her room, leaving me in the living room, wondering.

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