Chapter 2

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I HATE planes. Its eleven o'clock and I haven't slept at all. I pulled my Olaf throw cover up over my arms, laying my head back.
I quickly did as told , laying my head back down and closed my eyes.
"Uh Mame your going to need to sit your seat back at the up right position please. We're going to land soon!"a women said
I peeled my eyes open to look at the women. She smiled down at me. She wore the usual flight attend getup, but she also wore to much makeup for someone who looks like she's in her late twenties.
"I'm sorry" I said as I raised my seat. She whispered a quick thank you and walked off. I looked over at my dad, he was watching "The Fault In Our Stars". he silently cried.

One thing you need to know about my dad is that he LOVES chick flicks! Its one of the reasons why mom loves him.

"Dad you OK?"
He looks at me "why didn't he tell her!?"he sobbed "he's going to die!"
"Oh dad" I patted his shoulder "it gets worse."
"How could this get any worse?!" I grinned "well..."

"Are we almost there?" I whined
"Yes Amanda!...... Look there's the house!" Mom said pointing to our old house. It still looked the same, big, old, and white.
We drove into the driveway. The sun was now up, shining down on us. It was eight in the morning and the only sleep I got was two hours in the car.
I was dead inside.
I got outside the rental car slamming the door behind me. I watched as my grandma hugged my parents.
"Amanda!!!" She screamed
"Hi grandma." I waved, kind of annoyed by how chipper she was.
"Your so big! Come here and give your grammy a hug!"
I walked over to her, she grabbed me and squeezed. When she let me go my arms were sore.
She gasped " your grandfather wants to see you!"
I followed her into the house.
My grandfather sat in a wheelchair watching "I Love Lucy".
"Honey Amanda's here" she whispered.
He looked up and smiled "Amanda!" He held his arms out. I walked over to him giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"I've missed you chipmunk."
"I missed you too gramps."
"OK, OK let's leave your grandfather alone. Amanda why don't you go get your things and unpack. Breakfast will be done in a little bit."
I smiled at her before running outside and grabbing a couple of my bags. I hauled the heavy bags upstairs and into my room. Dropping them on the floor, I closed the door behind me. I smiled at the familiar pink room with butterfly's scattered about the wall and ceiling. I sat on the bed, I smiled remembering the first time we came here.

"I get this one!" I yelled to my brother.
"Come on," he yelled "fine I get this one."
I turned around to look at him. he smiled at me, kneeling down."how do you like the house?"
I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders "I like our old house better." I frowned
He smiled slightly "yeah I do too but you know what sometimes people need a little change."
I hugged my stuffed bunny "I guess."
"I love you Amanda!"
"I love you too chase!"
I found my self wondering into Chase's room. Just like my room his room was untouched. I sat on the bed, reaching out to grab the picture frame on the side table. I slightly smiled at the picture of four year old me sitting on Chase's lap, on Christmas. I felt tears welling up in my eyes.
"We were so happy
Tears were now falling down my cheeks.
"Amanda, come down stairs I need you to set the table!" My grandma yelled.
I quickly whipped the tears away and put the picture back on the table.
I have to be strong! I told myself.
I eased the door closed and ran down the stairs.
My grandma was in the kitchen humming. She turned around, when she saw me she pointed to the plates.
"Go on set the table for me. The foods done."
I did as told and walked into the dinning room. My parents sat next to each other talking.
I set the table and sat down.

I ate quietly as my parents and my grandma chatted loudly. When I was done I washed my plate and headed back to my room. Closing the door, I laid on the bed.
I start senor year tomorrow and I wasn't ready, mentally or physically. I sighed loudly slapping a hand over my face and dragging it across.
I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and called Lilly.
She picked up on the third ring.
"Yes beautiful?!" She chirped.
"Can I come home?" I groaned
She snorted at me "is it that bad?"
"No. Its just.... I need you! You and Michael were the only reason I loved school! What now! I have nothing!"
"Don't be a downer, your going to be fine pixie!"
I smiled at the old nickname.
"I just don't know what to do without you guys."
I heard someone yell "hey I have to go. Love ya pixie you'll survive I promise!"
I could barely say a goodbye before I heard the line go dead. I sighed again putting my phone on the side table.
Knock. knock.knock
"Come in." I said looking over at the door.
My mom opened the door, walking over to my bed and sat down. I sat up straight, causing the bed to shift.
"Honey why don't you get out of the house, go to the mall or something?"
"OK. sure."
She smiled "great! You can take the rental."
I smiled at her as she walked out the room.
Looking down at my sweat pants and tank top I decided I should change.
Looking through my bags I picked out a pair of white, ripped jeans, a maroon tank top, and a leather jacket. I put my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my black vans. I walked down the stairs.
"Can I have the keys?" I asked my mom, who was sitting in the living room reading a book.
She looked up "your dad has them. He's in the kitchen."
As soon as I grabbed the keys I slipped on my shoes and walked out of the house.

It wasn't until I was twenty minutes away from the house that I realized I forgot my phone and wallet. I drove around for awhile and saw the mall. Parking in the closes spot , I walked into Dick's.

After looking through stores and eating samples in the food court, I need to go home. I started to walk back toward the side my car was parked when I heard someone screaming. I looked over to see a woman laying on the ground. No one seemed to care as they walked pass the screaming woman. I walked towards her swerving, trying not to bump into anyone. When I approached her, her screams got quieter. And quieter. Until she was completely silent. The woman stared at me blankly.
"Mame are you OK?" I said as I kneeled down beside her.
She just stared.
I looked down at her hands, they were covered in dry blood. Her clothes were dirty and torn. Her black eyes stared at me.
"Mame do you need help?"
I stood up and looked behind me people walked by laughing and smiling.
"Mame I'll go get help." I said as I turned back around.
But she was gone.
I looked frantically trying to find her.
"Sir," I said as I taped a mans shoulder " did you see a woman get up and leave? She was on the floor... Just there?"
He just shook his head and walked off.
I frowned. Where did she go?
I walked off, going back to my car. I need sleep.
Sorry guys its short! But do you like it so far?
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