chapter 12

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Oh really?

I got to go home the next day I just had a bump on my head. A minor injury the doctor said. When I got home I gave my grandfather a quick huge trying not to bother him and his reading.
I walked up to my room, closing the door as I sit on my bed. Looking at my phone I had two texts from Michael and three texts from Drake. I texted Michael back telling him that I was OK.
I looked at Drake's and smiled.

Drake: I just heard they let you out of that crap whole.
I hope your OK
We have practice later if your up to go its at seven, I hope I'll see you at my house.

I looked at my alarm clock. It was five. One thing I hate about hospitals is that it takes you a long to get in and out of that dang place!
I went down stairs to the kitchen. No one was home other than me and my grampa, leaving me to provide dinner for myself tonight. And since I wasn't that much of a cook I through some pizza rolls in the microwave and wait for the timer to go off. I pull them out and walk into the dinning room to sit at the table. I slowly eat as I look through Snapchat stories. Their life's seeming more exciting than mine. When I finish I put my plate in the sunk and walk back up to my room. I close the door and look at my clock. It was now six fifteen.
Wow I eat slow I thought as I look through my closet.
I ended up grabbing my white Beatles crop top, a pair of black skinny jeans, and clean undies. I dress slowly as a headache formed at my temples. I looked in the mirror and sighed at my bed head. I brushed through my hair and curl the ends. I put on some eyeliner and mascara to make my eyes stand out. I slip my black converse on and text Ryder if he could give me a ride to Drake's house.
He said of course, that he'll be here in five minutes.

I sat on the leather couch as the guys argue about who's off pitch. A little girl walks in and sits next to me.
"They're annoying!" She states shaking her head, her ponytails swaying side to side.
"Yes they are." I said looking at the guys.
"I'm Stacy, I'm five!" She pipes up
I look at her and smile"I'm Amanda!"
She smiled showing of her two missing front teeth "so your the girl Drakie talks about!"
I grin " oh really what does he say?"
"He talks about how pretty you are and how much smarter you are than him. He says yo-" she was cut off by Drake's hand covering her mouth. "Stacy shut up!" He whisper yells at her.
Hr looked at me, cheeks red "don't listen to her she doesn't know what she's talking about."
"So you don't think I'm pretty?" I pout playfully.
His eyes widen "uh...yeah I think your pretty."
I feel my cheeks grow hot.
"Ow!" Drake says pulling his hand away. "You bit me!"
Stacy rolls her eyes and shrugs.
I giggle as she does so. I looked up at drake as he stares at me. Noticing he was caught he looks away.
"Are we ready to start practicing again?"
I stood up and high five Stacy. "Nice talk Stacy, we should continue it some other time!"
She winks causing me to laugh.

When I got home it was nine thirty. Everyone was home in the living room talking.
My mom smiled at me when I walked in.
"Hey sweety how was practice?"
"It was good."
"That's good your head OK?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna go up stairs to my room."
"OK honey get some rest."
I just smiled walking upstairs to my room. I grabbed some pj's and a towel to take a shower.
I stepped out drying myself off and got dressed. I pulled my hair in ponytail and walked over to my bed. I closed my eyes "what is wrong with me?" I questioned out loud.
I jumped up at the deep voice, my eyes opening looking around for the source. But I saw no one.
"I'm going insane!" I yell to my self plopping back on the bed.


I wake up to my alarm clock beeping.
Time for school. I thought
I got up dressing in a plain
blue v-neck shirt and a pair of white ripped jeans. I put my hair in a messy bun. Grabbing my black converse and slipping them on I waited for Ryder to pick me up. Since I'm not supposed to drive for a few days he agreed to take me to school and back so I don't have to ride the bus.
The door bell rang, I grabbed my bag and phone as I ran down stairs. Ryder smiled when I opened the door.
"Ready to go?"
I closed the door behind me and walked with him to his blue mustang.
I love this car!!!
When we got to school and found a parking spot I got out. Girls glared at me as I walked in with Ryder. I laughed to myself.
"What?" Ryder asked looking down at me.
"Girls are glaring at me." I whispered
He looked around and wrapped a arm around my shoulders.
I laughed harder as I saw some girls scoff at us.
"Are you trying to steal my girl Halin?" I look over to see drake smiling.
Your girl?
Ryder grins at him as he slides his arm off me.
"Your girl?" Ryder asks, voicing my thoughts.
Drake just smiles and punches Ryder's shoulder.
"Hey Amanda!"
"Hey Drakie!"
He laughs "I hate that nickname."
I giggle "I think its kinda cute!"
"Really?" He cocks his brows at me.
"Yep!" I say as I walk in front of him into class, leaving him in the hallway with Ryder.

My classes dragged on like always, teachers handing out notes and unless handouts.
Axel offered to take me to the beach with him tomorrow and of course I said yes. We didn't have practice tomorrow and the gig was starting to creep up on us. My nervousness was growing and I need some time to just chill out and be with Axel.


Hope your enjoying the story so far! It would have been longer but my phone reset when I was writing and out of 793 words the first 11 words saved😒 so I had to rewrite it.
Vote and comment! <3

p.s it got to 1133 words my second longest chapter, I'm trying guys!

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