Chapter 4

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Why did I agree to this?

I grabbed my white, ripped skinny jeans and army green tank top. Quickly getting dressed and giving my makeup and hair a little touch up I texted Axel. Within a minute he texted back.

Axel: I'm here!

I slip on my black vans and ran down the stairs.
I slide into the back of Axel's car. Gray and Axel laughs as I get in.
I look over to see Drake on his phone, typing away.
Axel looks at me "you look great by the way Amanda!"
I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek "thank you."
"Oh, Hey Amanda you look good." Drake says beside me.
"Thanks" I said as I click in my seatbelt.
"What no kiss for me?"
I looked at him "what!?"
He grinned "you gave Axel a kiss!"
I blushed.
"I'm just joking Amanda, but you do look good."
"thank you."

We parked across the street from the party. We all jumped out of the car. As soon as the door opened you could smell a mixture of sweat and cheap beer. I cringed at the smell.
"You OK?" Drake asked patting my shoulder.
"Yeah I'm good."
"Wanna beer?"
I smiled"no, thanks for the offer."
" no prob." He said walking away, leaving me alone.
I frowned at the sight, it was disgusting. I started to walk through the crowd, trying not to bump into anyone.
I sat on the couch next to a girl drinking out of a beer bottle. I started scrolling through Instagram when the girl laid her head on my shoulder.
"Do you wanna make out?" She said clearly drunk.
I looked down at her, pushing her off me.
"No!" I stood up.
"Awe why not!?" She whined.
I rolled me eyes and walked away.
"Watch out!" Someone screamed.
I looked over at the source.
"You almost stepped in puke!" He said
"Thanks." I stepped back a little.
"I don't think I've seen you before?!"
"Oh I'm Amanda I just moved here."
The stranger smiled "I'm Ryder. Hey Amanda do you want to go play some Foosball?"
Ryder grabbed my hand, guiding me through the mass of people. Soon enough we reached a Foosball table. Guys surround it, girls in short shorts and tub tops hanging on them smiling. I smiled when I saw Drake.
"Ryder where have you been man?!"
"I've been talking to Amanda."
Drake looked over and smiled
" you gonna play?" He asked
"Yes I am."
He grinned.
Ryder draped his arm around my shoulder "you can go first!"
I smiled "OK." I went over to my side.
Drake grinned at me from the opposite side. "Ready?"
"Are you?"
He chuckled "as ready as you are!"
"We'll see about that!"

"No, no ,no!" Drake screams  as I kicked the winning ball into the goal.
Everyone cheered, Ryder hugs me " that's the first time Drakes lost ever!"
I smirked at Drake as he rubs his face in frustration.
I walked up to him "mad?"
He looked at me surprised "where did you learn to play like that?!"
" camp woodland." I giggled.
"Camp woodland?" He said confused.
"Yeah camp woodland. Do you not remember?"
"Uh no."
"I was the Foosball champ
36 to 0"
"Woah." He said running a hand through his hair.
"Draaakke!" Someone squealed
He sighed looking over my shoulder.
Looking back I saw a tall red head walking over with a grin on her face. She latched herself onto Drake's arm.
"I haven't seen you in soooo long!"
" hi jasmine."
She fluttered her lashes at him
" why didn't you call?" She whined.
"Because you broke up with me and quit the band that's why!"


"I told you I was sorry."
"And I told you to leave me alone." He deadpans.
She frowns letting go of him "who's she?" She said pointing at me.

She did not just point at me!

"I'm Amanda." I said as polity as I could.
"And. I don't even know why I asked." She looked over at Drake "new toy I see," she scoffed "have fun!" With that she left, swaying her hips
like her life depended on it.

What is she trying to show off?
I laughed.

"What?" Drake said drawing my attention back to him.
"Nothing.... So your in a band?"
"Oh yeah" he smiled"me and a few of my friends."
"That's cool."
"Yeah we're still in the playing in the garage stage."
I giggle " like most great bands start."
" true." we stood there awkwardly.

Say something Amanda!!

"I have to use the bathroom."
"Uh.. OK."
I walked away.

What the heck! Stupid, stupid! I have to use the bathroom. I thought in a mocking tone, mentally face palming myself.

I decided to get out of this house before I said anything else that will embarrass me. Finally sitting on the porch steps I realized how claustrophobic I was. I breathed the fresh air, happy I didn't smell beer in the air.

Why did I agree to this?

My phone started to ring.
Fishing it out my pocket I quickly answer.
"Ugh Lilly I'm so glad you called!"
"What wrong?"
I sighed " I'm at some party and I just embarrassed myself in front of this hot guy."
"You'll be fine! What's this guys name?"
"What!" She giggled.
"His names Drake."
"Shut up!" I laughed
"Give me the details!"
"Come on!!! Please!"
"Fine...he's really cute. He's tall you know how I can't stand short guys. Ice blue eyes, oh my gosh those eyes. He's sweet, funny, and he's in a band."
"Does he have a twin brother?"
I laugh which causes her to laugh. So for about three minutes we're giggling none stop. When we calm down we both sigh.
"But yeah he's cool."
"Just met the guy and you have the hots for him!"
"shut up" I giggle
"Hey, you haven't acted like this since your big crush on Michael!"
I smile "I beat him at Foosball."
"Please tell me he freaked!"
"He sure was surprised!"
"Oh no."
"Yeah it was funny, since he's never lost."
"I wish I could of saw his face." She sighed.
"Yeah he's facial expression was adorable."
"Shoot! I have to go! love ya!"
"Love ya too Lil bear!"
I hung up and sighed loudly.
"So you think I'm cute?!"

Is this night ever going to end?!

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