chapter 14

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Did he really just say that???!!!

I got into Ryder's car once again for band practice. I'm so glade I can drive tomorrow I hate getting rides.

The ride this  morning was fun to say the least. Ryder and I played little games on the way to school. We talked and talked, it was a great way to start the day. And than school ruined it. I had four tests out of my seven classes and I'm sure I failed all of them. And than at lunch Sam accidentally spilled his Apple juice on me . let's just say its been a bad day.

Ryder parked his car a little closer to Drake's house.
"Hey Amanda I'm leaving practice a little early is it OK if Drake takes you home?"
"Yeah that fine, are you feeling OK?"
He smiled"yeah I'm fine I have a dentist appointment."
"Oh OK." I said getting out of his car.
We knocked on the door. Lizzie, Drake's sister, answered the door. We walked in greeting each other and Ryder and I went down stairs for practice.
"OK guys, now that we're all here. The opening is in five days I personally feel like we're all ready for this but as I always say practice makes permanent! So we will still have practice everyday at seven! OK let's get this started!" Drake says clapping his hands at the end.
I smiled as we get into our regular positions. Me next to Drake and everyone else at their individual instruments.
Drake smiled at me like he does every day at practice. I smiled back.
He winked at me and looked back at the guys "let's start with Individual!"
They all nodded in agreement.
We sung the song, drake hitting every note perfectly, the guitar solo from phoenix was awesome like always and I just sung the chorus.
We sung a couple more songs and practice was over. I sat on the leather couch watching as everyone left. Drake was putting everything up. When he finished he looked over at me and walked over. He sighed as he sat next to me. We sat in silence until he looked over at me"is it OK if I take you home a little latter? I just want to sit here a little bit."
"Yeah that's fine." I smiled
He smiled back laying his head back. "I can't believe we have five days left!"
"I know its crazy."
He lifted his head and looked at me "thank you for doing this I really do appreciate all that you've done for me and the band!"
"No problem Drake its my pleasure!"
He smiled "you look really pretty today I like the color blue on you!"
I looked down at my blue shirt. "Thank you." I blushed.
"Why are you so cute?" He whispered.
Did he really just say that??!!
"Did you know I had the hugest crush on you since second grade? I used to tell my mom you we're a angel from heaven. You were always nice to people. You loved to go to the zoo for our yearly field trips. You always pretend to be a penguin, saying random facts about them as you waddle. And then we went to the same camp, I heard you talking about how excited you were. I went home and told my mom. I packed all my nice clothes and stayed up all night waiting for the time to come when I got to spend those weeks of summer around you." He paused.
I can't believe what I'm hearing.
"And then you read that poem. I froze. I liked you so much and to hear that come from you I said the first thing to come to my mind. When you ran away crying I felt horrible I wanted to make it up to you! I made you a flower at arts and crafts. I tried to give it to a girl to give it to you for me but she took it the wrong way and she walked off thinking I liked her. After awhile I realized you didn't want to see me. So I stopped trying."
I looked at him " I um.... I didn't know that..."
"No one did."
I grabbed his hand "I wish I did!"
He smiled and glanced down to my lips.
WHAT! He looked at my lips! Um hello heart attack!
He licked his lips.
I smiled awkwardly.
He leaned in closer.
I felt my heart beat faster and faster as he grew inches away from my face. He just stared at me, his eyes never leaving mine. I couldn't take it any longer! I pressed my lips to his, he was surprised at first but he kissed me back. His lips were soft and we kissed perfectly in sinc. I don't want this moment to end!
"Hey honey when are you ta-" we both separated, looking up at Drake's mom.
And it did I sighed inwardly.
She smiled at us "taking Amanda home?"
He looked at me "now?" He shrugged.
I nodded.
"We're leaving now!" He said looking back at his mom.
She laughed "OK, be back before dinner sweetie!"
"I will."
I got up and walked up the stairs. Drake and his mom behind me.
I heard a "finally!" When I reached the front door.


The drive to my house was silent other than the music playing quietly. Every time I looked at Drake he was smiling. I guess the kiss had the same effect on both of us because right now I was smiling like a idiot and I was not trying to hide it. When he dropped me off we said our goodbyes and I went inside running up the stairs, already dialing Lilly.
I closed my door just as she picked up.
"Hello beauti-"
"WE KISSED!" I screamed cutting her off.
"Me and drake kissed!"
"How? Like all tongue or was it like a cute romantic first kiss kind of kiss?"
I rolled my eyes smiling " Lilly!"
"Fine! I want details now!"
I plopped on my bed "it was so cute! He was telling me all about how he had a crush on me since second grade and told me how bad he felt at camp. And than I was like I didn't know that and he was like no one did. And than I was like I wish I did." I sighed
"And!" Lilly yelled.
"He leaned in, to slowly I might add and I leaned in and made it happen faster! His lips were soft! Lilly I'm dying over here!"
She laughed "my girl!"
"Ugh" I sighed happily.

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