chapter 19

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The dress^

I'm crazy....

She held up a short red dress. There were holes on the top to show cleavage and it was sleeveless. I looked down at my clothes than at her "what's wrong with the clothes I have on?"
"Honey I've been to a lot of clubs and seen a lot of outfits. But right now what I see is a perfect outfit for the first day of sophomore year in highschool!"
I frowned "really?!"
She nodded "so this dress right here would be perfect with a leather jacket and black wedges!"
I smiled and took it when she handed it to me.
"You can change behind there as I get the jacket and shoes. I walked behind the mirror and changed into the dress. I smiled when I walked out and looked at myself in the mirror.
"You look amazing!" Star said when she walked back in holding the jacket and shoes. The dress hugged my curves perfectly and my boobs looked great. I turned around and smiled at her "I love it!"
"I do to!" She gushed.
She handed me the black leather jacket. I sipped it on and grabbed the shoes from her. I put them on and looked at my reflection again. I looked even better, I turned back around. Star was smiling "my work is done!" She said her hands on her hips. I gave her a quick huge and thanked her before I walked out of the room. I went out to the tables and stared up stage as I saw the guys talking and crew men setting up.
"Well hello!"
I looked over and saw a man bout in his twenties. He smiled at me showing his pearly white teeth.
"Hi!" I smiled back.
His blonde hair stuck up perfectly and his chocolate brown eyes were breath taking. This guy is super hot and he's talking to me. This dress must be magic!
"I'm Dalton!"
"Can I sit with you?!" He asked pointing at the set beside me.
I nodded and he sat.
"So what brings you here tonight?" He smiles
"Well I'm a singer in the band that's playing tonight!"
His smile grows wider "really?"
"Yeah why do I not seem like the type?"
"Not at all!" He states truthfully.
He smiled "I didn't mean to offend you!"
"You didn't!"
He sighed and tugged on his jacket "good!"
I smiled as music started to play. "Love the way you lie" was on. Dalton stood up and held a hand out "wanna dance before you have to go on stage?"
I smiled "I don't like to dance sorry!"
"Your loss!" He shrugged walking off to some other girls already dancing.
"Your such a liar!"
I froze, my head started to ache. My heart started to pound in my chest.
I looked over terrified to see who said that.
Chase smiled, he looked the same. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes. His smile was comforting. But my eyes traveled down, away from his familiar face. His neck was bruised, the black and blue colors spread across his neck just below his chin. The rope was all I could think about.
"Why'd you do it?" I whispered.
My head was spinning, I had no idea if this was really him.
Of course its not him! He's dead.
I looked up to his face, his smile fell as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Because of this." He signed "Amanda you have to block them out! Don't give in or," he looked down "you'll end up like me."
"What's going on?"
He looked up worry in his eyes"don't look for me I beg you Amanda, I don't want you to die too!"
And he was gone, just like that, he vanished before my eyes.
Have you ever had the feeling that you wanted to cry but not a a single tear fell. That your so hurt and scared that you sit there and you can't move. That's what I felt. I sat there wanting to scream but I had no voice to do so. I don't know what to do, how to feel. My brother, my dead brother just told me not to look for him. And vanished into thin air. Am I going crazy, do I need medical help because what just happened, what I just saw is absolutely impossible.
I jumped, looking over to see Drake his eyes full of worry.
"Are you OK?"
I tried to smile but my face refused. " no." I whispered looking down at my hands.
"What's wrong?" He said placing his hands on both my shoulders.
I stayed silent, what's wrong with me?
He sighed "tell me later OK?"
I nodded can I tell him? He'll think I'm insane....
"We have to go on stage."
I stood up and hugged him. Tears streaming down my face. I broke down, crying on his shoulder. My body finally letting me cry.
I'm going crazy. I thought.
"Amanda its OK!" Drake said stroking my back.
I released him wiping the tears off my face. "I'm sorry!" I hiccupped.
"Its OK penguin I'm always here for you!"
I smiled "I need to go fix my face!"
"We go on in five." He smiles back.
I nodded and walked into the bathroom. I quickly fixed my make up and walked back out onto the stage. No matter what happened I can't ruin this night for the guys, for Drake. I forced a smile onto my face. Drake smiled back giving me a quick wink before a man came on stage with a mic.
Everyone cheered as the man walked off stage. "One. Two. Three. Four!" Ryder said hitting his drum sticks together. When he hit four he began playing. The guys followed after.

There's demon inside your head. People telling you your not worth it.
You stand in front of that mirror, picking out everyone of your flaws.
One by one your smile is gone.
you stand there clueless,
You don't see the beauty!
Your eyes, they shine like stars, your smile, lights up my world.
But you stand there, so clueless.
You woke up and cried.
Your wrist slit, your smile is gone, the mirror broken.
It was smashed to pieces.
You couldn't do it anymore, like you could before.
You thought you weren't worth it.
And you stand there so clueless.
You don't see the beauty!
Your eyes, they shine like stars, your smile, lights up my world.
But you stand there so clueless.
Your smile is gone, my world is dark.
Your eyes don't shine, anymore. Your life was cut short.
Because you stood there, so clueless
You couldn't see the beauty!
Your eyes shined like stars, your smile lit up my world.
But you stood there, soooooooooo clueless."

The club erupted in cheers as we stood on stage.
"This is for our friend Amanda. Amanda your amazing and I hope you can see that!"
Music started to play, I stood there, I didn't know the song. Drake took the mic off the stand as he sang he got closer to me.
"From the first time I saw your face. My heart skipped a beat. I was nine years old and fell in love. I saw you for the first time in seven years and I smiled. You were more beautiful than I remembered,"
A smile spread across my face. Sam and phoenix played their guitar. Drake stopes singing and stood extremely close to me. He kissed me sweetly and everyone cheered. I smiles as he rested his forehead on mine. Bring the mic back up to his lips and started signing again. This almost making me forget about chase, but like I said it almost made me forget. My mind grew dark again as I thought about it.
I'm crazy....
Drake backed up smiling as he sang to me.
"I hope you know that your everything! To me."
I smiled dang it Amanda he's pouring his heart out to you and your just standing here! You like this guy! Stop thinking about Chase for a while, for Drake!
Drakes smile faltered a little.
"Your everything! To me." I sang quietly so only drake could hear. He smiled at me coming closer giving me another kiss before backing away. A few moments passed and the next song started.
You everything to me..... What if you think I'm crazy too..... I thought.



Supper long one! And I'm so happy about this chapter!!! Chapter 20 find out if Amanda tells Drake and if Drake can handle what she says. Is she crazy or does Drake have a secret he isn't telling?

Comment and vote! <3

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