chapter 20

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This is ridiculous!

After our gig and everything was packed up Drake and I decided to go. We were walking out the club doors in silence.
"I never got to say how amazing you look!"
I smiled"thank you!"
"I mean you look hot!"
I snorted at his words.
"You do truthfully!"
I looked at him he was smiling slightly, blushing.
Why are you so cute?! Its going to hurt so bad when he leaves...
When we got the car he opened my door for me. I slid in and he closes the door. He started the engine after he closed his own door. We drove in silence, music playing faintly.
He parked the car in my driveway sighing.
I looked at him.
"What happened earlier?"
here it goes....I'm going to lose him...
"Drake you wouldn't understand." I looked down at my hands.
"Try me!"
I sighed "your going to think I'm insane."
"Amanda," he put his hand under my chin guiding my head up to look at him "nothing and I mean nothing would change how I think about you!"
"I saw my brother." I said starring him in his eyes. His hand dropped from my face, he looked out the window.
And there he goes .
"I should just go." I push back the tears threating to spill.
"No." He said putting his hand on my arm. Looking at me he bit his lip. "What'd he say?"
I froze, I didn't expect that. "He told me to not look for him, that he doesn't want me to die. To block them out."
He sighed letting go of my arm.
"You think I'm crazy don't you?!" I asked looking at him.
"They know." He said barely whispering, it was so quite.
"Who?" My heart pounded.
"Amanda I have to tell you something. And I need you to keep this secret!" He said looking at me.
"I promise." I chocked out.
"I understand what happened."
"What!?" I asked staring at him intently.
"Amanda your not alone and your not crazy. I see them too."
My heart pounded faster he's crazier than me!
"What do you mean you see them too?"
"The ghosts. Amanda when you say you saw your brother you really saw your brother!"
"But he's dead! that wasn't him that was my mind playing tricks!"
He shook his head "it was him. Your brother saw them too Amanda. The drugs, alcohol, partying were ways to block them out. When you told me that you could of stopped his suicide I knew he would always think about it. They don't like us Amanda, they don't like our abilities. They got into chases head he wasn't strong enough. They coaxed him into thinking suicide was the best option."
What?! But that's not possible!
"It is possible Amanda!"
"You said it isn't possible but it is."
"I didn't say that out loud Drake I thought that!"
He sighed "I can hear what your thinking. Its all I can hear some times. I don't know why buy your the only one I can hear."
"Oh so now you can hear my thoughts!"
This is ridiculous!
"I know you think its ridiculous and to tell you the truth I did to. But I didn't have anyone to help me I was alone when I got my powers! I didn't want to be a seeker trust me I wanted to be a kid not some freak. But I can't change who I am and neither can you."
I sighed "if I am a seeker as you say why did I just know get my powers?!"
"Because you returned here. You returned to the house, when a person you love dies it kick starts your powers but it only works after you visit a place they loved or where they died."
"When did your powers start working?"
He sighed "when my dad and Lizzie's twin sister got in a car accident."
I frowned, remembering my parents going to the funereal. They died on impact, hit by a drunk driver in a truck.
" I was eleven. I ran away from home and went back to that street. I cried uncontrollably as I saw my dad holding my baby sister in his arms. I thought I was crazy. My dad whispered to me saying it was alright, that they were OK."
I frowned he was eleven years old, he was so young.
"I'm sorry you found out like this!"
"this is just so much!"
"Oh I know Amanda I felt the same way."
I groaned looking at my phone. "I should go to bed, its one am and there's school tomorrow."
He nodded "OK."
"Goodnight Drake!" I smiled getting out.
"Goodnight Amanda!"
I walked up to the house unlocking the door and walking in I frowned as I closed the door and headed up stairs to my room. I closed the door plopping down on my bed.
I see ghosts......... Hello my names Amanda, oh you like snakes that's cool I see dead people. Oh yeah its cool!
I sighed laying back in bed. I didn't bother to take the dress off or clean the make up off my face. I pulled the cover over me I slipped off the heels, kicking the off underneath the blanket. I groaned as I realized I left my clothes at The Taz. I pushed the thought back as I snuggled up and closed my eyes.
wow my life just got interesting!
I started drifting off to sleep and soon enough I fell asleep.


I woke up groaning, four hours of sleep is amazing! I quickly took a shower washing all the crap off from yesterday. I dried off and put on a pair of black leggings and a blue pink shirt on. I slipped on my back vans as I put my hair in a messy bun. I put eyeliner and mascara on. When I finished I grabbed my keys and backpack. I ran down stairs avoiding my family as I left.

I drove to school in silence. I found a parking space and walked into school. I went to chemistry planning on sitting next to Drake. But he wasn't sitting in his usual seat.
"Where's Drake?" I asked Axel as I sat in my seat.
He shrugged "I have no idea, but he never misses a day of school!"
I sighed this is going to be a long day!
I walked to my car after school frowning. There was no sign of Drake today at school. I sat in my car and started the engine. I laid my head back groaning.
"Well that's attractive!" I amused voice said.
I jumped looking at the back seats. A man sat there grinning.
"What are you doing in my car?!" I screeched
"You don't remember me? I'm the guy from the club from like a month ago. I was like your the only one that can see me!?"
My face lit up as I remembered "yeah....I never did get your name!"
"Oh how rude of me! My name is Nathan and you are?"
"I'm Amanda!" I said holding my hand out.
"Uh I can't quite." Nathan said looking at my hand.
"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to b-"
"I'm joking!" He laughed shaking my hand.
"Wait I thought ghosts hate people seeing them!?"
He frowned a little "I for one can say I find it interesting and the others don't really like me so your OK!"
I smiled slightly not sure if I should trust him or not.
"It's OK if you don't believe me I don't blame you!" He chuckled "but hey how's life, seeing as I don't have one I'm interested in yours!"
I laughed "its been a rollercoaster!"
"Oooo explain! Mama loves drama!" He says rubbing his hand together grinning.

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