Chapter 3

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First day of school

Finding the right parking space I pulled my keys out and grabbed my things.
I ran into the familiar high school and stopped in front of the office door to level my breathing. Once I was breathing normally I opened the door to be greeted by the lady at the front desk. She smiled widely, the woman was very small with brown hair and bright blue eyes.
"Well good morning young lady how may I help you?" She said sweetly.
"Hi I'm..uh new here, its my first day."
"Oh goodie!" She said clapping her hands "name dear?"
"Amanda Preston." I twirled my hair around my index finger.
Well miss Preston here's your schedule" she said as she pulled the paper out of the printer " and your locker combo is on the bottom!"
I grabbed the paper from her.
"I hope you have a wonderful time here!"she chirped
I silently thanked her and hurried out the office.
As I looked at my schedule the bell rung for first period.
Oh crap!
I walked faster trying to find my class.
"Where is it?" I questioned out loud.
I was cut short when I ran into something hard, dropping my stuff on the floor.
"I can't believe this." I groaned
I bent down to gather my things as the person I ran into was apologizing.
"no I'm sorry I should have been paying attention!" I said
" no it was my fault, here let me help you!"
The guy helped me gather my things and as we both stood up I gaped at who was in front of me.
His eyes widened with recantation"AMANDA OMG!"
He grabbed me in a bear hug.
"Omg, omg Amanda! Where have you been? Never mind who cares I so happy your back!" He said releasing me. " whats your first hour?"
I looked down at my schedule
"chemistry with Mr.Smith."
He gasped " Same! We can walk together!"
As we walked I looked at Axel, his once dirty blonde hair is now brown ,his blue eyes were bigger. He was cuter than I last saw him, tall, built. Probably a heartbreaker here.
"Here we are!" He said as he pulled me into a classroom.

"Hey Gray I'd like you to met my best friend from my childhood."
We walked over to him, Gray looked up from his book and waved.
Goodness gracious what's up with all the hot guys?
"Amanda this is my boyfriend Gray, Gray this is Amanda!"
Of course their gay
Axel sat down next to Gray and motioned me sit down at the table next to him.
I looked down at my feet nervously.
"Hey Axe are you going to the party tomorrow?" I heard a deep voice ask.
I looked up oh lord....
"Yeah man!" Axel said smiling at the gorgeous stranger.
His tall figure made me gulp. He had dark Brown hair and piercing ice blue eyes. He smiled at me showing of pearly white teeth and big dimples.
"Who are you?"
"Uh... I'm A-Amanda"I stammered.
His grin grew "I'm Drake. Can I sit with you?"
" uh of course!"
Drake, drake
"What's your last name?" I questioned.
"I knew I recognized you!"
"We went to the same camp when I ,we were ten."
He sat there for a few seconds
" oh yeah camp woodland... Amanda Preston! Your the one that wrote a love poem for me!"
Oh no!
My face grew hot.
"Wait what?!" Axel said laughing a little.
"Yeah I member you know." He grinned down at me.
"Amanda its your turn."
I stood up clutching the paper in my hands. I walked up to the makeshift stage. All eyes were on me, my hands started to shake.
" my poem is called Drake." People giggled "I love drake more than a home...homemade birthday cake. Drake's so funny.... like a top hat on a fat bunny. He's nice like peas and rice. I love drake li-"
"OOOO DRAKE'S GOTTA GIRLFRIEND!!!!" someone yelled.
Drakes face reddened "ewe no"
My stomach dropped I ran off stage and cried all the way to my cabin.
"Okay class get out your textbooks."
Mr. Smith smiled as he saw me "we have a new student! Great what's your name young lady?" "Amanda Preston."
" Preston.. Ah that's right I had your brother."
Axel gave me a sad glance.
we all sat in silence for a few minutes.
Mr. Smith cleared his throat "class pick a partner, we're doing a lab today"
everyone groaned.
As I stared at my hands I felt Drake get closer.
"sorry about that. Mr. Smith doesn't know how to shut up sometimes."
" It's okay I said it was bound to happen sometime."
I looked up at him he smiled sweetly. The rest of the day flew by fast.

I was sitting on my bed unpacking when my phone started buzzing.
"Hey Amanda its Axel, I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party tomorrow? It'd be great, especially if your there!"
"Please, please!"
"Yay I'll pick you up tomorrow at eight! Bye"

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