Chapter 6

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The band

The rest of the week was normal. I sat on my bed scrolling aimlessly through Instagram when I stopped at a picture Drake posted. It was of him and a few guys some with guitars, one playing drums, and Drake holding a microphone. I recognized Ryder in the back.
wait or is that Ryder?does he have twin?!
I smiled
"This must be drakes band." I said out loud
My phone buzzed. Speak of the devil.
"Amanda how are you?"
"I'm fantastic." I smiled.
"Well are you busy at the moment?"
"Great because I'll be at your house in 15!"
"Goodbye Amanda."
The line went dead. I looked down at my baggy shirt and minion PJ pants.
I rummage through my closet. Grabbing a pair of plain jeans and a black tee, I threw them on. And tried to look as presentable as I could.
And then the door bell rings.
"I GOT IT! I yelled running down the stairs. I stopped in front of the door. Took a few breaths and opened the door.
"Why are you at my house?"
"I need your help." He smiled at me.
"With what?" I speculated.
"Can you sing."
"Uh..."I said, his question throwing me back a little.
"I'd like to say I can...why."
"Um well can I come in?"
"Oh uh yeah come in."
He walked in sitting on the couch in the living room. I sat next to him, waiting for a answer.
"So my band and I just got an actual gig next month."
"That's amazing congrats!... But why does my ability of singing have to do with this?"
He grabbed my hand"we need an extra singer our guy just quit on us."
Singing in front of people not a good idea!
"Drake I don't know..."
"Please I need you to do this..for me!?"
Oh my, why did he have to say that! I can't say no to that face!
He grinned"thank you, thank you, thank you!" He said hugging me.
He released me and stood up.
"Tomorrow's rehearsal, I can count on you being there right!"
I stood up"you can count on me!"
I walked him to the door, we waved goodbye and I closed the door.
"Who was that?"
I jumped at my grandma's voice.
"A friend."
"Sure." She winked, walking into the kitchen.
I rolled my eyes. "He's just a friend."
"I believe you."she laughed.


Beep. Beep.
I groaned when my alarm woke me. I laid their for a few more minutes before sitting up to rub my eyes.
I had band practice.
I smiled as I got up, turning on some Daugherty, and started to get ready.
Dark jeans and my blue save the ocean shirt seemed to be the only thing clean. Throwing those on and pulling my hair in a tight pony tail was all I did before deeming myself presentable. I slipped on a simple pair of black sandals.
And grabbed my phone. I plopped down on my bed before texting Drake for his address. As soon as I got it I got in the rental car.

I knocked cautiously on the front door. A tall blonde haired woman answered.
"How can I help you?" She smiled sweetly rubbing her wet hands on her apron.
"Is Drake here?"
"Yes he is he's in the garage. I'll show you!"
"Thank you."
She showed me into the house leading me through the hall.
"He's down the stairs sweety!"
"Thank you again."
"No problem."
I walked down the steep stairs, I smiled when I saw Drake.
"Amanda what are you doing here?" Ryder yelled
Drake turned around and grinned.
"Guys meet our new singer Amanda. Amanda this is Justin, Sam, Ryder and phoenix!"

Does it rain hot guys here? Like goodness!

Justin smiled dimples and all, saying hello first.

"Hello  I'm Sam."
I smiled shyly "hi."
"Well aren't you adorable."

"Leave her alone you rapist." Ryder said giving me a hug.
"I didn't think I was going to see you again!"
"I know."
"Well this is my twin Phoenix."
"Hi." Phoenix said, his voice deep.
Phoenix and Ryder were identical twins. With the same brown hair, eyes, and perfect jaw line. The only difference was Ryder had a freckle on his chin.
"Well I for one want to hear her sing!" Sam said sitting on the leather couch.
"To think I did recruit you without hearing you sing!" Drake said plopping down next to him.
"Well what should I sing?" I said fiddling with the hem of my shirt.
"Ooo hello from Adel!" Ryder pipes up.
"Sounds perfect." Drake says smiling.
I cleared my throat "hello from the other side. At least I can say that I tried to tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done."
They all clapped.
"She's perfect." Sam says standing.

" Sam says standing

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Phoenix and Ryder

Phoenix and Ryder

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