Chapter Seven

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(I might just put a picture for every chapter)
Ava's P.O.V
I hug Vincent because I was scared.
"Hey, it's ok. I'm not going to let them hurt you. I promise"Vincent said to me softly.
"I could had dyed"I said with a shaky voice.
"If you did, Puppet would bring you back somehow so, no worries" He said.
I stop hugging him and push him back.
"No worries! So, you don't even care if I dyed!"I yelled at him.
"That's not what I meant Ava"He said but I didn't listen and walked away mad. I didn't know where to go so I just go to Puppet's box and sits on top of it.
"Hey"I hear Puppet say walking up with Golden Freddy.
"I don't want to talk about it"I said to them.
"I didn't ask and i'm not going to"Puppet said and put a hand out for me.
I grabbed his hand and he pulled me off the box.
"It's close to night always"He said and opened the box.
Golden Freddy teleports and me and Puppet climb in the box. We go down and walk to his room. I just laid on his bed and he left. I guess he went to Golden Freddy. I took one of his pillows and hugged it. I wasn't really tired after what happened. A few minutes go by and I hear a noise.
"Hey, you ok"It was Puppet walking in.
"I guess i'm fine"I said quietly.
"Doesn't sound like you are"He said and sat on the other side of the bed.
I just hide my face on the pillow i'm hugging. I felt a hand on my back.
"Everything will be fine Ava"I hear Puppet say.
I lift my head up and turn to face him.
"How do you know that"I asked him.
"Because none of us will let anything happen to you"He said and smiled a bit.
I sit up and hug Puppet. I felt him pet the back of my head.
"How long till you guys become animatronics"I asked him.
"About two hours but you don't need to worry about anything right now"He said to me calmly.
A few minutes later, I was laying back down on bed alone in the room. Puppet left and said he had to do something. I didn't really want to be alone anyway anymore.
"Look your alone"Someone said and I sat up.
It was one of the shadows. I sit there in fear and I couldn't speak. He stands on the bed over me.
"I'm Shadow Bonnie"He said.
"Go away"I said with a shaky voice.
"Oh, why would I"He said and pinned me to the bed.
"I have the one Puppet likes so why would I leave"He said and we were noise to noise.
He smiled at me and I could feel tears fall down my face.

Puppet's P.O.V
I was walking back from Golden Freddy's room because I had to hum to him. I stop and hear a noise. It was Shadow Bonnie talking then I knew he was with Ava.
"Shouldn't had left her alone"I said and ran to my room.
I look to see Shadow Bonnie over the top of Ava. I feel my eyes go black and I get my strings out. I put a string over his waist and he laughs.
"I see the Puppet has come to save the day again"He said and I pull him off of Ava.
I pull him to me and put him so we are noise to noise.
"Leave her alone"I growled in his face.
"Can't promise anything"He said and teleported away.
I feel something hug me from behind and I look to see Golden Freddy. I turn and look at Ava. She had my mask on her face. I put my strings away and grab Golden Freddy's arm. I walk to the bed and sit down. Golden Freddy sat on the floor. I hug Ava from the side and I could hear she was crying. I take my mask off her face and lay it on the bed. I wiped tears off her face and she turned to hug me. She buried her face into my chest. I just pet her head.
"It's ok. I'm here now."I said to her.
I felt Golden Freddy lay his back to mine. I hum to calm down both of them. About an hour later, I could feel Golden Freddy had fell asleep. He doesn't have to fall asleep every night, he just choices to. I could feel Ava was still awake hugging me.
"Sorry I left you alone but I had to go to Golden Freddy"I said to her quietly.
"It's fine. I think it's still better then the streets"She said back.
I hear the music box start playing, which means there is an hour before midnight.
"Do you have to turn back animatronic every night"Ava asked me.
"Well, not really. I can sometimes fight turning back. Why you ask"I said to her.
"Because I don't want to let go of you and I know you would have to leave at midnight"She said and she opened her eyes to look at me.
We were noise to noise and I blush a little.
"I could try"I said and she smiled a little but I could tell she was still upset.
"Thanks"She said and kissed my noise.
"Just try to go to sleep though" I said and she closed her eyes.
"I can try"She said quietly.
I just petted her head softly and hummed. I couldn't really tell if it was helping. I feel Golden Freddy move closer to me but his back was still to mine. A few minutes later, it becomes midnight and I use my power to stay human. Golden Freddy stays human as long as he is asleep. Ava smiled a bit and relaxed. I just lay there and look at her. I then have an idea. I can go into others dreams but I haven't in a long time. I would do it to Golden Freddy when he had bad dreams. I close my eyes.

Ava's P.O.V
(Before Puppet goes in her dream and her dream show what happened to the kids in the animatronics)
I saw I was at a building and a kid was siting in front of it. He had brown short hair and his clothes were a little messed up. He was crying looking into the building. I look to see an animatronic that looks like Freddy getting cake to a kid. Looked like a birthday party. I turn to the boy.
"Hey, why you crying"I asked him but he didn't answer.
I sit on front of him and go to touch his shoulder but my hand goes though him. I pull my hand back.
"You can't hear or see me"I said to my self.
I look to see a man come up behind him. I couldn't see the man's face because his dark purple hair was in front of it and his face was blocked by something else. I see he pulls out a knife and walk closer to the kid.
"What are you doing!"I yell forgetting they can't see or hear me.
I stand up and look at him. Then he goes to stab the kid and I close my eyes. I open them back up to see i'm somewhere else. I was in a building and I could see Freddy, Chica and Bonnie on the stage. I turn to see Foxy talking to kids to the side. Kid were running all over and some were running though me. I then see a Yellow Bonnie walk up to a group of kids. They follow him and I follow too. The door closes before I got there and I heard screams through the door. I then heard a kid yell 'run get out' then everything gets quiet. I turn to see the place empty. I turn to the door and it was open. Five kids were laying on the ground with blood under them. I back up and then see that boy again. He looked the same but had purple lines on his face like tears. He picked up one kid and walked off. He went to a room with a Golden Bear that looked like Freddy. He put the kid in the animatronic and went back to the room. He did the same with the others but in the other animatronics. All the animatronics move and look at themselves. I look at the kid and he smiles.
"You look like Puppet"I said and turned to look at the animatronics but it changed to other place. I see me and Vincent playing around. I run to the Prize Room.
"No, you can't leave him!"I yell at me forgetting again they can't hear me.
I see the Yellow Bonnie again and four kids follow him. Vincent follows him as well.
"Don't!"I yelled.
I hear screams then the place goes empty again. Puppet walks by me and I follow him. He didn't take the bodies this time just the souls and put them in the Toy Animatronics. They move around and I just sit on the floor. Everything goes black around me. I feel arms go around me and I jump.
"Hey, it's ok. It's just me"I turn to see Puppet.
"Did you see any of that"I asked him.
"See what"He asked me but I just hugged him.
"How are you in my dream"I asked him.
"One of my powers. I did it to Golden Freddy when he had bad dreams"He said.
"That's a cool power I guess"I said.
"Ya, stops dreams"He said and petted my head.
We just sit there then things start to get go funny.
"Your waking up. I see you when you wake up"Puppet said and disappeared.
(Dream ends)
I wake up still hugging Puppet.

(Well I got this done a little later but anyways any ideas tell me in the comments. Peace out my Followers!!)

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