Chapter Twenty-Two

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Ava's P.O.V
(A few hours later)
Me, Puppet and Freddy went into Puppet's box. We went to Golden Freddy's room and we moved his bed to Puppet's. It was a smaller bed so we put it against the wall in Puppet's room. This was so Puppet could keep an eye on Golden Freddy as he healed. We left Golden Freddy on Puppet's bed for the time being. Freddy took off Golden Freddy's shirt so, the cuts can be seen easier. We left the wrapping on him for now because the cuts were still new. Dark said he would heal slowly and for a few days. I sat on the bed next to Golden Freddy as Puppet and Freddy fixed up the his bed. I pet Golden Freddy's head as I sat there. I could see into his mind. It was very quiet and I could tell he wasn't dreaming at all. I take my hand off of him and I look at my hand. I don't even know how I got this power or why I have it. It's a lot for me to take in. I can't really control it too. It just happens. I look to see Freddy pick up Golden Freddy. He lays Golden Freddy on his bed. I just lay on Puppet's bed and just look up.
"You ok Ava"I hear Puppet ask.
"Ya"I said and closed my eyes for a bit.
I feel the bed move then I feel an arm go around me. I turn to look at Puppet.
"We all been through a lot today"He said and laid his head on my shoulder.
"I just want my brother to be ok"I hear Freddy say.
"Just give him a few days Freddy"I said to him.
"Why will it take so long"I hear Freddy ask.
I sat up and Puppet fell on the bed next to me.
"Because that's how Dark's powers work"I said to him.
He just looked at me and I could tell he wasn't really happy.
"Just be happy Dark used his powers to help Golden Freddy because if he didn't Golden Freddy would still be in a lot of pain and wouldn't heal"I said in a little bit of anger in my voice.
I lay back down and turn my back to all of them. It was quiet for a few minutes then I felt Puppet hug me. I look to see his arm around my waist. He didn't say anything to me, he just was holding me in his arms. I know he is stressed out and just wants to relax so, I just lay there with him. I start to doze off slowly and as I dozed off I hear something. It was like someone asking for help. I close my eyes and just lay there.
I wake up in my mind. Well, I was hoping it was my mind. I look around then I see someone. It looked like Golden Freddy but the person was more yellow and had a purple hat on. I walked closer to the person.
"Who are you"I asked them.
"Well, you would know me as Shadow Freddy"He said and I looked at him confused.
"Please don't be scared. He's not in control"He said again to me.
"How do you get away from him"I asked him.
"Ha. Well he is my father. My jerk of a brother killed me because he put me in the mouth of an animatronic and I think thats what made my father lose his mind"He said and I just stand there in surprise.
"He knows it's me but his mind is so messed up that he controls me and Shadow Bonnie as you know to hurt the others still"He said and I saw one eye was black and the other was blue.
I walk closer to him and touch his shoulder.
"You were the second one to die and Puppet knows this. This is why he doesn't want to hurt you guys"I said and I let go of him.
"I'm sorry for what we have done to you and to Golden Freddy"He said and I smiled a bit.
"I know it's not you"I said to him.
I put a hand on his head.
"Stay away from him"I heard a different voice.(Picture is what he looks like)
I look behind Shadow Freddy to see that guy again. I take my hand off Shadow Freddy and he turns to look at the guy.
"You can't keep doing this to him"I said to the guy.
He just laughs and walks closer.
"Dad, she is right you have to stop all of this"Shadow Freddy said.
"You listen to me not her!"He growled at Shadow Freddy.
"Leave him alone Purple Guy"I yell at him.
"I see I have a new name now"He said laughing.
Shadow Freddy looks at me and his colors start to go away. I put my hand on his head again and look at Purple Guy.
"What are you doing to my son girl!?"He yelled at me.
"Blocking you from him!"I yell back.
"You can't do that! He is my son!!"He yelled at me and pulled out a knife.
He starts to walk closer to us but then he stops. He puts his hand up and he touches this wall in front of him.
"No!"He yelled and hit the wall.
I turn to look at Shadow Freddy and his color comes back. I take my hand off of him and turn back to Purple Guy. He starts laughing.
"I still have other minds I can get to"He said with an evil smile.
"Not if I stop you first"I said back to him and he disappeared.
"What is he doing here!"I turn behind me to see Puppet pointing to Shadow Freddy.
"Long time no see Puppet"Shadow Freddy said in a shaky voice.
"What are you doing in my girlfriend's mine!!"Puppet yelled at him.
"Puppet stop yelling at him!"I yell back at Puppet and he looks at me with his black eyes.
I stand there in fear but I don't show it to him. We look at each other for a few minutes.
"You named the killer"Puppet said confused.
"Well I had to. How was I going to remember him"I said to Puppet.
"Ok, again he is still my father here"Shadow Freddy said and we both look at him.
"But he killed me and my friends so he is a killer to me"Puppet growled.
"And you forgot about me! You always protect Golden Freddy but who was the one who told me they would fix me!! You but Golden Freddy showed up and you forgot about me!!!"Shadow Freddy yelled at Puppet.
"You were doing fine on your own! What you told me then you went crazy!! I told myself it was my fault that happened to you so when Golden Freddy showed up and was like you I promised myself I wouldn't let the same stuff happen to him!!"Puppet yelled back.
"Hey!?! Stop fighting! This is my mind all right!!"I yelled out and they both looked at me.
"*sighs* Look I helped him. Purple Guy had control over him so I put a block on his mind"I said and looked away from Puppet.
"I see I made things a little weird so I will just leave now and try to help you guys with Shadow Bonnie"Shadow Freddy said and I look to see him gone. I sigh then I hear Puppet walk closer to me.
"I'm sorry you had to hear all of that Ava"He said and put his hand on my arm.
I just back up from him.
"*sighs* Your not happy with me now"He said and I looked up to him.
His eyes were a light blue the they went back to the bright purple.
"I can't stay mad at you"I said and hugged him.
"I don't want you around things like that because I know it scares you"Puppet said to me.
"I know but now that I can help, I have to be around that stuff now"I said and I felt someone else hug me from behind.
"She will learn Puppet because I have"It was Golden Freddy.
"You're a butt Golden Freddy"Puppet said laughing a bit.
"Am not"Golden Freddy said but to Puppet.
"You guys are both butts"I said laughing.
"Hey!"They both said.
"Now get out of my head so I can rest"I said and they both let go of me.
"Get rest. Both of you"Puppet said then kissed the top of my head.
They both disappeared out of my mind and it went dark.
-Dream ends-

Shadow Freddy's P.O.V
I open my eyes and sit up. I look down at myself and see they I have color.
"It worked. It really worked"I said to myself.
I stand up and walk to the wall. I touch it with my hand and it goes through the wall. I smile and put my arm through the wall. I then just push myself through it and I look to see i'm outside it. I smile and look in front of me. I start walking and hope I find someone before Shadow Bonnie finds me.

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