Chapter Fourteen

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Ava's P.O.V
I open my eyes to see Puppet looking down at me. I smile at him and go to sit up but I feel the pain in my right arm. I feel Puppet put this hands around my waist and helps me sit up.
"I know"He said and got up.
He goes to the small box then walks back. He puts the shot in my right arm then goes back to the small box. He comes back with cleaning stuff.
"You missed Golden Freddy"He said starting to unwrap my right arm.
"I'll see everyone in a little bit"I said and he started cleaning my right arm.
"Hey Puppet, I had an idea"I said, he stops and looks at me.
"What is it"He asked me.
"We should go outside the building and I could show you things"I said and he just looks at me.
"Puppet it was going to be your twenty-first birthday. I think I should do something for you"I said and he went back to cleaning my cut.
He got up from the bed and got more wrapping cloth. He came back and started wrapping my right arm back.
"Puppet?"I said and I heard him sigh.
He finished wrapping my arm and looked at me.
"If you think everything will be fine then ok"He said and I smiled.
I hugged him with my left arm.
"Let's go see if the others want to go"I said and got up.
My right arm fell to my side and Puppet grabbed it.
"I didn't get to brace it yet"He said and put my brace on.
He teleports us out of his box. I get hugged from behind.
"Hey Ava"I could hear it was Vincent.
"I was thinking we should all go outside today"I said and I feel him let go.
"Are you sure you want to do that" He asked me.
I turn to look at him.
"Yes"I said and I saw everyone smiling but Golden Freddy.
"Hey brother it will be fine" I hear Freddy say.
I grab Puppet's hand and walk out the door.
"It's so bright out here"Puppet said.
"Ya"Toy Chica said.
I saw all the Toys and Bonnie run off then the others run off somewhere else. I pull Puppet with me.
"Where are we going"He asked me.
"Somewhere. I lived on the streets for a little bit I know where everything is" I said and start walking to the park.
We walk around for a bit and I see Puppet look around a lot.
"Hey Ava!"I hear someone yell and I turn to see Mark and Jack.
"Hey guys"I said and walk up to them.
Puppet follows behind me.
"Woah what happened to your arm"Mark said.
"Long story lets not talk about it"I said and smiled a bit.
"Who is this guy"Jack asked pointing to Puppet.
"Oh, this is Matt"I said and Puppet waved a bit.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Matt"Mark and Jack said.
"So, where is Dark and Warfstache"I asked them.
"Warfstache is sleeping he works nights"Mark said.
"Dark he does whatever he wants so we never know"Jack said.
"So what you guys up to today"I asked them.
"Getting air before we go record a video"Mark said.
"Oh cool"I said but really didn't know what they were talking about.
I been on the streets for eight years so I missed a lot of things. We start walking around the park and Puppet stays close to me. We all go to a mall and go into different stores. There was so many things I have never seen before and I could tell Puppet hadn't seen some of it too. They got both of us food then they started doing this thing on a camera. They looked stupid but it looked fun. We walk back to the park a few hours later.
"Well, it was fun to hang out with you guys but we have a video to do so see you around"Mark said and they both walked off.
"It was weird for you to tell me Matt"I hear Puppet say.
"It's your real name"I said and he looks at me.
"I know its just I haven't been called that in a long time"He said and I smiled a bit.
"So, what do we do now"He asked me.
"It's your birthday so whatever you want to do"I said
Puppet looked at me then grabbed my arm and pulled me somewhere.
"Where are we going"I asked him.
"A place that I remember as a kid"He said.
We go to this place where there are small houses. He walk to an house that looks like it's falling down. We walk by it and go to this really big tree in the backyard.
"Wow"I said and Puppet turns to me.
"Ya, it's a big one isn't it"He said and looked up at it.
"What is this place"I asked him.
"It was my old house but I see it's really nothing anymore"He said and walked to the tree.
"Why did you want to come back here"I asked him.
"I wanted to see if my family was here but I see they are not"He said and turned to face me.
"Puppet ever if they were here you couldn't see them"I said and walked up to him.
"I know"He said back.
He goes to hug me and touches my right arm. Pain goes up my arm to my neck and I yell a little bit in pain.
"Your feeling is coming back. We must get back"Puppet said and grabbed my left arm.
He started pulling me really fast back and we started to go through crowds of people.
"Puppet slow down....."I try to yell but we get pulled apart and I fall on my right arm.
Pain went through my body and tears fall down my face.
"Woah Ava!"I hear someone say to see Dark over me.
He picks me up and helps me stand.
"What happened to you"He asked me.
"I don't want to talk about it"I said and look for Puppet.
I couldn't see him.
"Look I have to go I will see you around"I said and walk through the crowd fast.
"Wait....."I hear Dark yell but I kept moving.
I still had street smarts so I knew what I was doing. I ran into Puppet and he looked at me.
"Ava!"He said and grabbed my left arm again.
He pulled me all the way back and walked in. It was very quiet.
"I guess nobody is back yet"Puppet said and teleported away.
He came back just a few seconds later and put the shot in my right arm.
"Thanks"I said.
"How did you find your way through that crowd"He asked me.
"I have a lot of streets smart. I been on the streets for eight years"I said and he looked at me.
"You lived on the streets for that long"He said in confusion.
"Ya thats why i'm here now"I said and he put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry for you"He said.
"I'm more sorry for you guys"I said and he smiled a bit.
"You don't have to be"He said.
We waited for about an hour or soon. The others started to come back.

(Hey sorry if it's short I have a really bad headache so I didn't write as much and i'm having problems with my wattpad so that messes things up. Like always any ideas put them in the comments and Peace out my followers!!)

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