Chapter Thirty-Four

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Ava's P.O.V
I don't remember much.......
I only remember pain........
Then there was nothing.......
I don't even know what happened......
I just remember seeing light.......
Then I remember hearing nothing......
I try to move but something wasn't letting me. As I see the light start to turn to colors, I could see tubes and wires. I blink a few times and I see a figure standing over me. It was a gold color.
I start to hear a noise.......
It was a voice.......
I feel things being moved around me.
I hear the voice again but more clear.
I feel hands go in my shoulders and I look to see a face.
"Golden Freddy....." I say looking up.
They are clear now and I see I'm back into the world I know best.
I see him smile and a few tears go down his face.
"You don't know how happy I am to see you awake!"He says to me.
He moves, starts to pull wires and tubes out of my right arm. It was quiet as he did so.
"You been out for too long"He says and turns to me.
He grabs my arms and helps me sit up.
"Your going to be weak for a little bit, don't worry"He tells me.
"Where is Puppet"I ask him.
I see his face go from happiest to sadness.
"He hasn't been the same......."He says quietly.
"But where is he"I ask again.
Golden Freddy looks at me then at the door.
"You are too weak for me to take you there. You must stay here and I will get you food"He says and teleports away.
I sit there is the quiet......
Few minutes later he comes back.
He hands me a pizza slice and some water.
"It's all we have"He tells me.
I eat the pizza slice slowly so I wouldn't make myself feel sick. As I finish, I hear a loud noise in the hall then I hear running. I drink my water and look at Golden Freddy. Freddy came in view in the doorway. He was breathing very heavy and looked at the ground. He looks up with a big smile on his face.
"Glad...... your ....... awake"He was trying to talk through his heavy breathing.
I hand my half full cup to Golden Freddy and he sits it on the table next to the bed. Freddy catches his breathe and we hear more running. I see something blue push Freddy out of the way. Freddy falls to the floor.
"Ow! Dude!"He yells.
I look to see Vincent standing in the doorway. He helps Freddy up and walks over to me.
"Don't scare me like this again!"He tells me then hugs me.
I hug back him. He lets go of me then sits in front of me.
"How long has she been awake"I hear Freddy ask.
"About three minutes"I hear Golden Freddy say.
I sit there then look at my hands. There was still a tube in my right hand that I didn't see before now. A green liquid was in the tube and it was slowly going into my hand. I go to touch the tube and as I do so something in my head goes off.

"Fredbear you can't just leave"Golden Freddy says.
"I can't stay.....not after what I traded"Fredbear says back.
"I can't do this alone"Golden Freddy says again.
It was quiet for a bit.
"*Sighs* I can't stay"Fredbear says quietly.
"What am I going to do then!? Puppet is broken! My brother doesn't know anything! And I'm scared I will do somethings wrong"Golden Freddy yells at Fredbear.
Fredbear turned to face Golden Freddy. He walks over to Ava as she sleeps. He takes a needle and puts it in her right hand then puts a tube at the end. Putting the vile of green liquid at the end of it and watches the green liquid go down slowly into her hand.
"As all as she has this in her system she should be fine"Fredbear says.
He goes to walk away again.
"What am I going to do about Puppet"Golden Freddy says quietly.
Fredbear stops then turns to Golden Freddy.
"Let him be broke for a little bit. He should get over all of this in a few days"He says then walks into the shadows.
Golden Freddy stands there in the quiet.
"I can't do this alone......"He says to himself.
He looks at Ava then backs to the wall behind him. He slides down and sits on the floor. Tears roll down his face as he looks up at Ava.
"I can't do this"He cries.
Freddy walks in to see his brother.
"Your not doing it alone. I will be here"He says.
"And I'm here too"Says Toy Bonnie behind Freddy.
Golden Freddy smiled at them and whips tears.
"Thank you"He says to them.
Freddy walks to Ava and looks down at her.
"Everything will be fine. I can promise that"He says

I blink a few times. I take my left hand off the tube.
"Ava you ok"I hear Vincent ask.
I look at them and smile a bit.
"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks to you three"I say to them.
They all smile at me. I look at Golden Freddy. I could see in his eyes that he knows what I saw. I then feel a sadness come over be remembering what he said.
"Where is Puppet"I ask him again.
It was quiet.
No one moved.
They look at each other then at me. Golden Freddy put his hand out for me. I grab it and I feel Vincent put an arm around me. They help me on to my feet but I couldn't really stand. I fall to my knees and Freddy helps me up. I feel Golden Freddy put an arm around me.
"Like I said he hasn't be the same"Golden Freddy says to me again.
I feel someone pull the needle out of my right hand. They then wrap my right hand. Golden Freddy starts to walk but very slowly. I try to move my feet but I was hard to so. We make it the doorway and he stops to let me try to stand. I look at the floor then back up. He starts walking again and goes down the hall. We make it to the door to the room Puppet gave me. He stops again at the closed door.
"I tried to help him but I was helping you it was messing with my head to do both. I saw that you know that Fredbear left so I was on my own helping Puppet but I couldn't"Golden Freddy says to me.
"It's fine. Maybe I can help now that I'm awake"I tells him.
"Yeah"He says and pushes the door a bit to open it.
The door slowly opens and I see its dark in the room. It was quiet in the door then a ball of energy flies at us. I put my hand up to stop it. Golden Freddy takes the energy ball and throw it behind us.
"Go away!"We hear Puppet yell.
"Puppet please......Someone is here to say hi"Golden Freddy says.
"I don't care! Go away!"He yells again.
"Puppet.......please calm down"I say to him and I hear movement in the dark room.
"No no no no no no! Your sleeping! I was told you wouldn't wake up! Your lying!!"He yells and any other energy ball gets thrown at us.
Golden Freddy catches it then throws it back.
"I see you don't want to talk with your girlfriend"He says into the dark room.
More movement is heard in the room. I then get pulled into the room and the door gets slammed close in Golden Freddy's face. I fall to the floor and lay there.
"Ow...."I say quietly.
I try to sit up but my body wasn't letting me. I was so weak that my body had given up. I hear movement around me in the dark. I feel a hand go on my back then get pulled away fast. I then get pulled across the floor. I get picked up and laid on a soft surface. I could feel it was my bed. I hear more movement then a noise outside the door.
"Don't you dare hurt her Puppet"I hear Golden Freddy from the other side.
I feel the bed move then I see something over me. I could see a small part of purple in his eyes. The ends of his hair on his forehead were stained a little purple. I see him lay his head on my stomach. I hear small cries come from him then feel his tears go through my shirt.
"I'm sorry......."Is all he said.

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