Chapter Sixteen

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(Who looks happier?)
Ava's P.O.V
I hug Puppet and he hugs me back.
"Don't scare me like that again"I said to him.
"I can try"He said back to me.
He lets go of me and puts his hand slowly on my right arm.
"Your feeling will come back soon"He said and looked at me.
"I don't care at this point"I said and smiled a bit.
"You should care"He said and put a hand in my face.
"I know it's just *sighs* It will heal so I don't really worry about it now"I said and he looked down.
"I know you are still worried about me and you don't need to be worried now. I have you here so I would had fought it"He said and looked back up.
"You would do that"I asked him.
"Yes. I care for you and I don't want you upset. If we got turned back animatronic you would had to leave and I would hate to see you leave "He said and smiled a bit.
"You..... You don't want me to leave"I asked him.
"Yes because I........"But he got cut off by the front door opening.
We all turn to look and I see Dark and Warfstache.
"What are we doing here Dark....."I hear Warfstache say but he stops when he looks at all of us.
"What the....."I heard Dark say.
"What are you guys doing here"I asked them.
"Ummm, good question for me to ask you"Dark said.
"Ummmm well....."I go to at but Warfstache cuts me off.
"Well, I had to work here for five stupid nights so i'm leaving because i'm the Great Wilfred Warfstache"He said as he walked out.
"He is so stupid"Dark said putting his hand on his face.
He looks back up at us.
"Who are you people"He asked us.
"The animatronics"Toy Chica said.
"Ok"He said so calmly.
"Wait, your not freaked out about any of this"I asked him.
"Now really because you know Mark. Well, me and Warfstache are other halves of him. I'm his dark half and Warfstache is his crazy half"Dark said and crossed his arms.
"I didn't see that coming"I said and backed up a little.
"Well, I would love to stay with you weird people but I should go watch Warfstache so, he doesn't do something stupid without me" Dark said and walked out.
"That was weird"Vincent said.
"Friends I met"I said and looked away.
"Well, it's becoming night time so we should go"Puppet said and teleports us in his box.
"Ugh my arm"I said and grabbed it.
"Sorry forgot it would get feeling back"Puppet said and we walked in his room.
He walks to the small box then to me.
"Sorry, it's not healing fast"He said and looked at me.
"It's fine"I said as he put the shot in my arm.
I look at Puppet as he walks back to the small box. I go and sit on the bed.
He walks to me and starts unwrapping my arm.
"Ava, I care about you"He said slowly and started cleaning my arm.
"I know"I said and looked at him.
He was looking down at my right arm.
"I love you, you know"He said and started wrapping my arm back.
"You do"I asked him.
"Yes I do"He said and walked back to the small box.
He walks back to the bed and sits in front of me.
"I want you to be mine too"He said and I looked at him confused.
"Well, I mean like my girlfriend or something"He said and looked away.
"I would be glade to Puppet"I said and kissed the top of his head.
"Really"He asked and looked at me.
"Yes you silly"I said and smiled.
He hugged me making me fall over on the bed. He just laid on top of me and I just laugh.
"I will always keep you safe"He said and laid next to me.
"I know you will"I said back to him.
"Now get some rest. We all had a long day"Puppet said and I closed my eyes.
I hug Puppet from the side and lay my head on his arm.
"Night Puppet"I said quietly.
"Night Ava"He said back.
I couldn't wait to wake up and see that he is the first person I will see.

Puppet's P.O.V
She laid on my arm and I just looked at her. She is mine now. I couldn't believe really she said yes. I took my chance and I have her now. I was feeling great now. She is the best thing that had happened to me in a long time. Even if this could really workout, I will still try. I love her too much. I look to see Golden Freddy walk in and he jumps on the bed on the other side of me. He yawns and lays his head on the pillow next to me.
"Night Goldie"I said to him.
"Night Puppet"He said and pulled out his teddy bear.
He hugged it and closed his eyes. An hour passes and I turn animatronic. Ava was still hugging me and laying on my arm. I was just hoping she wouldn't wake up to see me like this. I worry it will scare her and I don't want to do that. I pet her head with my big hand. I lay there and play with her hair. I was still glad she was mine. I would give up anything for her now and I will protect her with everything. I still do that with Golden Freddy. I knew this happiest wasn't going to always be here. The Shadows will come back and mess everything up. They worry me. It's another reason I don't sleep. I watch as both of them sleep around me. It was quiet in my box again. It could hear movement outside the box. It's the weekend so there is not Night Guard so, they just walk around. I still wanted to keep Ava away from all of it. She is human and if anything happened, they could kill her. We are a lot stronger as animatronics. That's why i'm so careful with Ava. Even when i'm human i'm the strongest. It doesn't take most for me to kill or hurt anyone. I learned that from past Night Guards. They should had watched the music box. I feel Ava move and I look at her. She turns over and her back was to me but she was still on my arm.
"I hope your sleeping well"I say quietly and pet her head softly.
I just lay there and wait for them to wake up.

(I'm really tired and this took me longer then I thought because I had a meeting to go to and I came home looking for a game. Like always any ideas put them in the comments and Peace out my Followers!!)

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