Chapter Twenty-Three

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Shadow Freddy's P.O.V
(I don't know what to tell him right now)
I walk through the darkness for a few minutes then I see light. I stop at the light and I look down the hall to see rooms. I walk more down the hall then I see someone come out of a room. It was a few foot away but I could tell it was Freddy. I slide in the shadows so he doesn't see me. I don't want him to think i'm still evil. I saw him teleport away and I walk out of the shadows. He can keep those powers for now, he will need them when Shadow Bonnie attacks again. I walk to the room and look in the door. I could see Golden Freddy on the side and Puppet holding Ava in his arm on his bed. I walk in front of the door and Puppet looked at me.
"Your still mad aren't you"I asked him.
"Yes but i'm going to let it go because I don't need more stress on me"Puppet said back to me.
I walked up to Golden Freddy and looked down at him.
"It's hard to think I was as shy as him"I said and turned to Puppet.
"Your not like that anymore and Golden Freddy is not as shy as he was"Puppet said then looked down at Ava.
"So, she is some girl that showed up"I asked him.
"She was but she is my girlfriend now but the power she has is new"Puppet said and looked at me.
"Puppet i'm sorry for going crazy and making think it is your fault"I said and he smiled a bit.
"Not your fault. You didn't know your father was this way *sighs* I should had been watching you closer"He said in a very calm voice.
He lays Ava on his bed and gets up. He walks over to me.
"The others don't know about you. I never told them and with them thinking you are evil it would be best if you stay hidden from them for now"He said and looked at Golden Freddy.
"I will have to stay in here because Shadow Bonnie is still out there and my father still has control of him"I said and Puppet looked up at me.
"That's fine. I just don't you hurt again. I all ready have one hurt, I don't want another one"He said sad and looked at Golden Freddy again.
I could see behind Puppet that Ava was moving a lot.
"Ummm Puppet....."I said and he looked up at me.
"What"He asked me.
I grabbed his arm and turned him to Ava. Ava sat up fast and opened her eyes. She was breathing very heavy and fast as well.
"Woah! Ava it's ok"Puppet said and walked to her.
She backed up from Puppet in fear. Puppet looks at her confused.
"Ava what's wrong"He asked her.
She just looked at him with fear in her eyes.
I walked to the other side of her and put my hand over her head. Her body started to slowly relax and I moved my hand away. I could hear her start crying and she put her hands to her face.
"Ava....."Puppet said quietly and climbed on the bed next to her.
He hugged her close to him as she cried.
"Nightmare"I said and he looked over to me.
"You must had been in it"I said and looked away.
"Ava whatever happened in your dream, it wasn't real. Everything is fine"Puppet said to her calmly and pets the back of her head.
I hear movement in his box and I use one of my powers to see in the hallway. It was Freddy coming back to the room. I step into the shadows and stay there to be hidden.

Ava's P.O.V
(A few minutes before)
I come back into a dream. I was in the Prize Room. I look around to see if anyone was there. I didn't see anyone but something goes around my neck. I look down to see one of Puppet's strings.
"Puppet?"I said out loud and I saw something standing in the shadows.
"Your just here to mess with everyone's mind!"I hear a voice growl.
I could see the person was Puppet because his eyes were glowing white in the middle.
"Puppet what are you doing?!"I yell out as the string got tighter on my neck.
"I have to get you out of here before you mess with everyone's mind like you did with me"He growled at me.
"Puppet stop!!"I loud out as it gets tighter.
He then throws me to the wall and put his other string on around my waist. He picks me up and I could feel the strings burning me. I scream in pain as tears fall down my face.
"Puppet please! I love you, I would never hurt anyone!!"I loud at him but all I saw was a evil smile on his face as he walked out.
"That's a lie as well"He said and laughed.
He pulled the strings tighter around me and I could feel them break skin. Blood started running down my neck and waist. I then see Golden Freddy and Freddy walk up behind Puppet.
"Let's finish her"I heard Freddy say and the strings got even tighter.
My vision started to go black.
-Dream ends-

I don't remember waking up. I just remember I was breathing really heavy. I looked around and saw Puppet and good Shadow Freddy standing there.
I heard someone say something then I saw Puppet get closer to me. I back up from him fast.
"Ava what's wrong"I heard Puppet ask me.
I looked at him with fear that he would hurt me again. I then feel myself relax and I could see I was awake. I felt tears start to fall down my face and buried my face in my hands. I just sat there and cried. I felt arms go around me and I cry on them. I could tell it was Puppet.
"Nightmare"I heard good Shadow Freddy say. (Still thinking of a name for him)
"You must had been in it"I heard him say again.
Ava whatever happened in your dream, it wasn't real. Everything is fine"I heard Puppet say to me.
I start to calm down but slowly. I heard someone walk in the room.
"What happened"I heard Freddy ask.
"Nightmare"I heard Puppet say to him.
"You know what it was about"I heard Freddy ask him.
"No..."I cut Puppet off.
"I don't want to talk about it right now"I said and felt Puppet pet the back of my head.
I keep my face on Puppet so I could stay calm.
"Ava"I hear Puppet.
"Ya"I said and looked up at his face.
"I'm going to have to be animatronic tonight because of my power so please don't get scared or freak out"He said and kissed the top of my head.
"I'll be fine Puppet"I said and put my face back on his chest.
I then felt him get skinnier and soft. I put my arms around his shinny body.
"You were right you are very soft animatronic"I said to him.
"I know"He said but his voice was a little different.
"Don't worry. Our voices change when we are animatronic"He said to me.
"I don't care really. I'm just glad your still holding me"I said and I felt him lay down.
I lay on his chest and close my eyes.
"Just try to go back to sleep but if you can't I understand"Puppet said to me and I could feel him pet me very softly. I could tell he was very careful petting my head. I open my eyes and look to see Freddy laying next to Golden Freddy. Freddy was in human form. I didn't move my head but I looked around and I could see Puppet's animatronic body. It was very skinny like I thought. He is a lot bigger and I could tell he would be taller animatronic. He must be a lot stronger too because he is being very careful with me now. I just lay there on him hoping everything will be ok in the next few weeks.

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