Chapter Eleven

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(I just thought the picture was Cute)
Ava's P.O.V
It was dark at first. I was just standing in the darkness of my mind. I don't know how long it has been since Golden Freddy came in my mind. He made me take a pill. He said it would help with the pain. I was hoping Puppet would come in my mind again but he hasn't came. I then feel like someone was there and I was hoping it was Puppet. I turn around with a smile but it changed to fear.
"Did you miss me"It was Shadow Bonnie.
I back up from him. I didn't know if this was my mind or if he is real. I didn't want him here.
"Go....Go away!"I yell at him.
"I don't want to"He teleports behind me.
I jump back and turn to face him. I grab my right arm.
"Leave my head!"I yell at him.
"You can't make me"He said and got closers to me.
"Puppet help!"I yell out as Shadow Bonnie got closer.
I hear Shadow Bonnie start laughing.
"He can't save for now"He said laughing.
"Puppet!!!!"I yell louder and close my eyes.
I feel something grab my arms. I swing out and hit something.
"Ow!"It was a different voice.
I open my eyes to see Puppet with his hand on his face.
"Puppet i'm so sorry"I say and back up a little.
"It's fine"He said and took his hand off his face.
"Are you the real one"I asked him.
He walked up and hugged me close.
"That answer your question"He said back to me.
"Why didn't you come here sooner"I said and put my face on his shoulder.
"I was watching over you"He said and pet the back of my head.
"Why are you in here now then"I ask him.
"I saw you having a nightmare. Freddy and Golden Freddy are watching you to make sure nothing happens"He said calmly.
"How long have I been out"I ask him.
"Best you don't know right now"He said to me.
"Please don't leave me here"I said to him.
"I wish I could stay but I do have to go back to clean the cut on your arm"He said and lets go of me.
"Is it bad Puppet"I asked him.
"It was but it's getting better"He said.
"I don't want to be here forever Puppet"I said to him.
"Hey, don't stress yourself Ava. Everything will be just fine"He said and kissed the top of my head.
"You promise"I asked him.
"I promise"He said back to me.
"I must go now Ava but I will try to come back or get you awake"He said and disappeared.
I'm again alone in the darkness of my mind.
-Dream ends-

Freddy's P.O.V
Me and my brother waited for Puppet to come back. Ava looked lifeless just as my brother said. A lot of things have happened since she has gotten attacked and passed out. It's now the weekend and there is no Night Guard. We don't know if we will get a new one or the some one. I see Puppet appear with smoke around him.
"She ok"I asked him.
"Ya, just a nightmare"He said and walked to a small box.
I look to see Golden Freddy poking Ava's face.
"Brother don't do that"I told him and he looked at me.
I could tell that his kid mind was out so I just pull him away and make him sit on the ground next to me. Puppet walks to Ava and unwraps her arm. The cut didn't look so bad but I know Puppet has been working on it.
"That's not so bad Puppet"I said to him.
"Ya, but it was worst when it happened so it's healing"He said back.
"That's a good thing"I said to him.
"It would be better if she woke up"My brother said.
"Ya it would be"Puppet said and started wrapping her arm back.
"You just have to give her time Puppet"I said to him and put my hand on his shoulder.
"I know its just it's been two days now. I guess I can give life but not heal someone fast"He said putting stuff back in the small box.
"Puppet you can't put yourself down"I said to him.
"I'm trying"He said and walked to Golden Freddy.
Puppet pets the top of Golden Freddy's head.
"I will go back up and tell the others what's going on" I said and walk out.
I know my brother will want to stay for a little bit because he has been with me. I go back up and open the box. Toy Bonnie was standing there. I climb out of Puppet's box and close it back.
"She is healing but still not awake"I said to him.
"Thank you Freddy"He said and walked away.
I walk to the Main Room and I see Toy Bonnie talking to some of the others. Chica walks up to me and stands there.
"She doing any better"She asked me.
"She doesn't look like it but Puppet says she is"I tell her.
"Golden Freddy stayed with Puppet didn't he"She asked me.
"Ya. Even though i'm his brother he likes Puppet more"I said to her.
"You know why he does that"She said to me.
"Ya, I know. Puppet is his protecter"I said and looked at her.
"Your his other protecter"She said and smiled.
"I try"I said and put a hand on my shoulder.
"You are. You tried to protect him when we got killed remember but he then tried to protect you. That's why he is so shy and scared. He is afraid because he tried and got killed. You saw how he protected Ava from Shadow Freddy. He still protects us, it's just he is scared of failing again"She said to me.
"How do you know so much? Your too smart"I said and laughed.
"I study the way people act and I have talked to Puppet about it before"She said and smiled again.
I hug her.
"You always know what to say to everyone"I said to her.
"I know"She said back and hugged me.

Golden Freddy's P.O.V
I sit on the floor with my back to the wall. I look up at Ava. Puppet left to do something and I have to watch her. We should have seen this coming for her. The Shadows have hurt everyone here but she was new to them. I should had knew because they like to drive me crazy. They say things to me all the time, that is not true. They like to see me get upset and cry. They think i'm the weakest here but i'm not. I'm just scared to try anything anymore. Me and Puppet are the strongest here. We both have powers. We are different from the others. Puppet always tells me I have more powers then I know. There are things I still don't understand. I hear movement and I move my head a little to listen where it is coming from. I look up to see Ava moving a little. I look at her in confusing. She moves her right arm and I hear her groan. I stand up slowly and look at her. She had her left arm over her eyes.
"Ava?"I say softly.
"Wh....y much"She said but her voice was quiet and breaking.
"Ummm, don't worry ummmm I can help"I said and look in the small box Puppet had out.
I didn't know what to do. I was getting scared and worried I couldn't help her.
'Puppet! I need you now!' I yell out in my mind.
Sometimes I can get in others minds so they can hear me but I didn't hear Puppet say anything back.
'Freddy!'I yell in my mind again.
'I'm coming don't worry!'I hear him say back.
I turn back to Ava and walk to her.
"It's going to be fine"I tell her and pet her head.
I hear more movement and turn to the door.
"What's wrong brother!"It was Freddy.
Ava groaned again.
"She awake but in pain and Puppet went somewhere. I don't know what to do"I said in a worry.
"Hey, brother calm down. You can go look for him right"He asked me.
"Yes, I guess I can use my powers to find him"I said to my brother.
"Go get him and I will watch Ava and try to make her feel better"He said and I nod my head.
I walk out of the room and look around. I close my eyes and teleport close to where he is at. I look to see it was very dark. I walk around a bit but I couldn't really see.
"Puppet"I said in a shaky voice.
I hear noises around me and I look around. I then feel a hand on my shoulder.
"What are you doing here"I turn to see Puppet.
"Ava is awake"I said to him fast.
"Wait, she is awake!!"He shakes me.
"Yes! Please stop shaking me"I said as he was shaking me.
"Sorry Golden Freddy"He said and stopped.
He teleported us back to the door to his room. He ran in and went to his box. He pulled out a shoot and went to Ava. He put the shoot in her right arm and put the shoot back in the box.

Puppet's P.O.V
Freddy looked at me.
"She can't feel it now so the pain should go away"I tell him and walks to Ava.
"Hey, your awake. I'm glade"I said to her calmly.
She moves her left arm away from her face and looks at me.
"How long"She asked me quietly.
She sounded like she was still weak.
"About two days tomorrow is Saturday"I tell her.
"Ugh! That's stupid"She said.
I just laugh at her.
"Freddy when you go back up don't tell the others"I turn to say to Freddy.
"Ok"He said and walked out.
I sit next to Ava and she lays her head on my lap. Golden Freddy jumps on the bed and lays on the other side of me. I just laugh at him.
"So how bad is my arm"Ava asked me.
"Well, it's still going to hurt you for a few days but it's not so bad"I said to her.
"How is everyone"She asked me.
"They are fine. Just worried about you"Golden Freddy said to answer her.
"Can we go up there soon"She asked us.
"When you feel better. Yes you can"I said and pet her head.
A few minutes later, Golden Freddy left and I got up.
"What are you doing Puppet"Ava asked me sitting up.
"Be careful your still weak and I need to clean your arm"I said and opened the small box.
"You mean the one I can't feel or move"She laughed a bit.
"Ya but it's a good thing you can't because you be still in pain"I said and sat on the bed next to her.
I grab her right arm and start unwrapping it.
"This is all I been doing for two days"I said to her.
"You haven't left your box at all"She asked me.
"No and you might not want to look by the way"I said to her as I unwrapped where it was cut.
"I want to see it"She said and I finished unwrapping it.
"Wow, it's so deep"She said as she looked at it.
"Ya"I said and started cleaning it.
I clean it slowly and I look up at Ava.
"Thank you Puppet"She said as I looked at her.
"Your Welcome Ava"I said and started wrapping her arm back.
Now that she is awake they will come for her again. I will protect her. I'm not letting her get hurt again by them. She is too important to all of us.

(I'm sorry I didn't by chapters out yesterday I was busy but I'm writing two today so I can get back on track. Like always have an idea put it in the comments and Peace out my followers!!).

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