1. Percy

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot, the characters belong to Rick Riordan and J.k Rowling.

I was teaching the Hermes cabin swordplay with Annabeth when Chiron cantered in. Yes, cantered he is a centaur, half man half horse. You are probably wondering what are you doing with a centaur? Well funny you think that because I am a demigod, half man half god, Greek god to be exact. Yes they are still alive I am a son of Poseidon, god of the seas, horses and earth shaker.

Anyway back to me teaching the Hermes cabin, I was helping them get the disarming technique that Luke had taught me when I first came to camp. Luke, just another death in my world full of it, like Silena, Beckondorf, Castor, Leo and all the others. Wow, off track okay dam ADHD, ha ha dam.

Okay I was teaching Hermes cabin when Chiron came down to the arena, "Ah Percy just the demigod I wanted, can you meet me in the big house please,' he said and them turned and walked out the arena. After leaving Annabeth in charge of Hermes cabin I followed Chiron to the big house.

When we got there I saw an old man with a long, silvery beard, wise, old, twinkling blue eyes and he seemed to be wearing a dress, okay. "Percy this is my friend Albus Dumbledore, he is a mentor like me of another mythological species. He is the headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry." When Chiron finished I just sat there, I vaguely registered the hilarity of the name Hogwarts, but I was mostly focused on the fact that there were wizards and witches. Eventually I realised that that wasn't the strangest thing in my life I mean I am half god, so I snapped out of it and said a smart response as always, " Oh, cool." Albus chuckled, "well I hope that you are prepared to come and help us in a war..."

"WHAT!!!" I yelled, shocked that i might have to go into another war so soon.

"... if our existence doesn't scare you too much."

"Chiron, why do I have to go into another war so soon, especially seeing as Annabeth and I are still recovering from Tar-Tar... there?" I said turning to Chiron.

" I know my boy but unfortunately you are the best candidate for this 'job' as you are gifted in making friends, also you mustn't tell anyone about this not even Annabeth. But don't worry," Chiron added quickly as he could tell I was about to protest," we will make sure her nightmares aren't that bad where as for you we will have to see what happens."

"Okay," I said," I'll do it."

"That's great," Albus said, " you should know that before school starts on September the first you will come with me to the base of the Order of the Phoenix, a resistance of sorts, to make friends with the chosen one, Harry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Finally you will also have to protect Harry from harm as Voldemort has risen despite what we are being told to believe." My only thought as Albus finished was whoa! I have to protect this boy and his friends while being a student and making sure that the demigod secret stays a secret, that is a lot to do.

" If you want to you can back out now Perseus," Albus tells me seeing my slight hesitation. I shake my head.

"It's fine," I say, "just processing everything." I attempt to smile, something I haven't done for real after the war and Tartarus. Everything has just been a mask to convince everyone I am fine. Chiron and Albus share a sad look, obviously my smile wasn't very convincing.

"So when am I leaving," I say just to break the awkward silence after my failed attempt at smiling.

"Right, you leave at dawn tomorrow, my boy, meet at Thalia's tree at first light.' With that I left to pack


So in case you didn't read my first authors note I write this for entertainment on the school bus not to win any awards so feel free to point out any mistakes.  Also this is on my phone which I suck at typing on because I never use it, literally it was in the school office for almost a month I didn't even realise until they phoned my class saying they had my phone.  Finally, this is set after Blood of Olympus but during order of the Phoenix so there is a two year age difference between Percy and Harry, I think.


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