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Disclaimer: All characters belong to either Rick Riordan or J.K Rowling

About 10 minutes into the train ride Draco Malfoy and his posse came past our compartment looking down right murderous but also a little scared. Malfoy was holding his nose and there was blood running down his front. I was wondering what happened and who did this. Expecting Draco to just walk past I was surprised when he opened the door to the compartment I was in with Neville, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Luna. "What are you doing here Malfoy?"I asked.

"Hiding from the new kid, he's such a weirdo," Malfoy complained to us. It took me awhile to figure out who he was talking about but when I did I smirked. "You mean Percy," I told him.

"No, Idea, I didn't even bother getting his name but he is obviously a mudblood, no other decent wizard would sink to such muggle fighting methods as punching," he said trying to keep his composure. I mentally pushed aside any dislike I had of Percy to congratulate him on putting Malfoy in his place. I almost wish I had seen the exchange because from what I know about Percy and Malfoy's personality they are complete opposites and not similar at all.

After we managed to kick Malfoy out we played exploding snap and talked for the rest of the train ride until the trolley lady came. When she came we stocked up on wizarding sweets for the year as well as eating many for the train ride.

As we enjoyed our treats I was happy until the topic of the dememtor attack in Little Whinging was brought up. I sighed hoping I could have avoided this conversation for at least a little while longer. I went on to explain what happened and then the ministry hearing. Once I was finished Neville and Luna who I hadn't seen all holidays bombarded me with questions.

After a long and exhausting train ride of answering questions I walk with my friends to the horseless carriages only to find then no longer horseless. There, in front of the carriages, pulling them, were black, skeletal horses with beady red eyes and a thinning mane. They were so skinny I could see their ribs poking through their skin. I stared at them in horror. Obviously confused at my sudden stop Ron and Hermione came up beside me. "What are you staring at mate?" Ron asked.

"Can't you see them, the weird horses pulling the carriages?" I replied.

"No, what are you talking about Harry, they are moving by themselves like always," Hermione said. Just asshe finished Percy walked past and completely ignored us, staring at something almost as if he was worried. It took me by surprise when I realised he was looking at, and moving towards the horses, almost as if he was in a trance. He walked up to one and started rubbing its nose and looking as he was talking to it. Hermione, Ron and I stood there and watched on in confusion at what he was doing.

He eventually walked away from the horses and entered the last carriage and we quickly followed just realising how long we had been standing there.  

Hi all

This chapter isn't as long but I ran out of things to write in Harry's point if view.  Also schools back so I am on the school bus again.  Hopefully that means I will update more often.  Constructive Critiscim welcome


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