5. Percy

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Disclaimer: I only own the plot. Characters belong to Rick Riordan  and J.K.  Rowling.

Why? Why did I waken memories I had tried to suppress? Memories of Tartarus and the war that followed? Memories of how my little nose bleed nearly cost the world? I thought as I left the room. I blindly walked up the stairs not even sure where I was going. I opened the first door I came to and went inside, closing and locking the it behind me. I quickly scanned the room and saw that it had a family tree as the wall paper but there were little scorch marks covering it in random places. After I assessed the room I went and sat on one of the comfy looking chairs and reflected. I looked back on my life from smelly Gabe, to Mrs Dodds, to the Minotaur, my first quest, finding out Luke was evil, my second quest, Circe' s island, the Golden Fleece, Thalia coming back, meeting the Di'Angelos, meeting the hunters, my third quest, meeting Rachel, holding the sky, Zoe and Bianca's deaths, the labyrinth, my fourth quest, mount saint Helen's, Annabeth and I's first kiss, calypso and Ogygia, crashing my own funeral, meeting Daedalus, the battle of the labyrinth, all the deaths, telling Paul I'm a demigod, the great prophecy, blowing up the ship, Beckendorfs death, Luke becoming Kronos, bathing in the Styx, defending Olympus, Annabeth getting injured, Selina's death, Luke killing himself, the underwater kiss, the wolf house, camp Jupiter, meeting frank and hazel, meeting phineas, going to Alaska, defeating Alcyoneus, the battle, Annabeth coming to new Rome, Leo shooting on the Romans, the Argo II, Charleston, Annabeth following the mark of Athena, falling into Tartarus, Bob, the curses, Damasen, the death mist, Nyx, getting out of Tartarus, and the war with Gaea kept on replaying through my head, I don't know how long I sat there in my thoughts before Mr Weasley was shaking me back to reality.

"Percy, Molly is making some dinner if you would like to join us," he said cautiously. I was upset and I wanted to be left alone but decided that if I wanted them to trust me I shouldn't miss whole group 'gatherings' like meals, it will also help me meet them better, we barely had any introductions earlier. With this in mind I grudgingly stood up and followed Mr Weasley downstairs.

Once I got to the dining room I saw a meal that could only be described as a feast. There was roast lamb and chicken and all sorts of vegetables as well as breads and extras that must have been wizard delicacies because I think they were called pumpkin pasties or something. Just looking at it made my mouth water. So when I sat down I immediately loaded up my plate with everything possible and was about to take a Lethe bite of it when I remembered. I need to sacrifice to the gods I was about to ask for a fire when I heard Hecate in my head, do not worry Perseus the gods are in agreement that to help out fit in you do not have to sacrifice to us until you are discovered or revel yourself. I responded with a quick thank you and started eating my dinner.

Once everyone was finished eating and the plates were cleared away I started a conversation. " So what are your names because I didn't stick round for introductions earlier," I started and they all just looked at me before mrs Weasley started. "I am Molly,dear," she said then gestured to the man next to her, " this is my husband Arthur and my two eldest sons aren't here but they are Bill and Charlie then there's Fred and George," she said gesturing to two identical looking red heads, " Ron," another red head who looked about fifteen, " and my only daughter, " Ginny," she said gesturing to the only red headed girl." My first thought was that they have a massive family but I didn't say that instead I just said "nice to meet you." After that everyone else introduced them selves. There was Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks( whom I was told to call tonks or face the consequences), Alastor Moody, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin ( who was a werewolf), Harry Potter and Hermione granger. Apparently there is also a Mundungus fletcher and other members that weren't present as well. During that conversation I also found that Harry was famous but the ministry was attacking him because thy didn't believe that Voldemort was back. His parents were killed by Voldemort when harry was younger but Voldemort couldn't kill him and disappeared.

After that conversation Mrs Weasley said that we should go tonnes because Harry has his ministry hearing or something tomorrow and we have to get school supplies. Shopping, yay I can't wait. So I reluctantly dragged myself upstairs and into bed so that I can be refreshed for tomorrow

Hey everyone, 

This is the opposite of what proper normally write but school is back so I will start updating more, however it will be less than last term because I have more before and after school commitments so I'm not on the bus as much.  Be cool, have fun and live life.

- Ella_Blacker

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